Saturday, October 29, 2011

Saturday Snapshots

Saturday Snapshot is hosted by Alyce @ AT Home With Books.

Photos can be old or new, and be of any subject as long as they are clean and appropriate for all eyes to see. How much detail you give in the caption is entirely up to you. Please don't post random photos that you find online.

Fall 2011 - This year's foliage was not as vivid as in past years, however, (2) weekends ago, I did manage to take a few pictures that seemed worth keeping.  I'm feeling a bit sad as our patio furniture is put away until next year. Snow (1st snowfall) is expected sometime today :(

(Click on photo to enlarge)

(2) weeks later and many leaves are now on the ground


  1. Beautiful colors, Diane. Are you getting snow this weekend?

  2. Ohh I love fall colors! And those are especially vivid. But, yeah, the disappearance of the patio furniture is always a little sad.

  3. It's nice that you have the colors. We never have much. Something about our climate and the way that fall arrives. Snow already? Is it early this year?

  4. Mary, no snow yet, but we are in the target area for a hit....too early for snow:(

  5. Gorgeous! I love autumn colors. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Love the pink colors. Try to stay warm and have a Happy Halloween!

  7. That first photo looks almost springish. I agree that fall has kind of snuck up on me this year. Here's Mine

  8. Gorgeous colours, lovely to see.

  9. *Sniff* *Sigh* beautiful pics but make me so homesick. Seems too early for snow. I don't really ever remember snow before my birthday and that's next week.

  10. I love both colorful photos, but the one with pinkish leaves is really festive looking. Thanks for sharing, and it will be sad when the leaves are gone!


  11. The leaves look pink in the top photo! Just gorgeous!

  12. I love photos of fall foliage because we don't get any here in southern California. That top photo especially is fun with all the different colors. I keep telling myself I'll take my daughter east some fall to see the colors in all their glory!

  13. These are gorgeous! We don't get any fall where I am so I love your pictures!

  14. It's snowing in northern NJ so get ready! :)

    Today is a perfect day for a book, roaring fire and a nap on the sofa (oh and maybe a good movie on TV).

  15. Oh, the colors are wonderful! I love these photos!

  16. Usually our PA foliage is outstanding but not this year. It was a big disappointment, and now of course it looks like winter - just started to snow in fact.

  17. Lovely shots. Those look pretty colorful to me!

    Your potential snow made our weather news last night. Too early for that nonsense, hopefully it will only be rain.

  18. We're getting ready for snow, too, but it seems too soon! Those are lovely foliage shots.

    My Saturday Snapshot

  19. So pretty! I love the colors in both photos. What a difference two weeks can make!

  20. What beautiful colors. I cannot believe you may get snow this weekend. Putting away the patio furniture is a true sign summer is over.

  21. Lovely fall foilage shot! And I believe the first shot too! On Columbus Day weekend I was in Boston and it was almost shorts weather. My son (who lives in Cambridge) tells me it is now quite nippy. They might even get snow (we've had a little this morning, but it hasn't stuck). Crazy!

  22. Our fall is so much further behind yours still!

  23. What gorgeous colors!

    Here's mine:

  24. I love the colors of the changing leaves! Ours finally decided to change (I thought for sure they were just going to rot off the tree). I need to practice taking photos of the leaves though and finding the right lighting because my leaf photos don't capture the vivid colors as I would like.

  25. For most of the month of October my son picked up the most beautiful leaves on the ground and made a collection.

  26. When I lived in TN, I would take a longer route to work in the mornings just to enjoy the colors...we don't have that vivid of a color change in MS but I love seeing pictures :)

  27. Great colors, I love leaves looking like that.

  28. There's nothing like Autumn in New England, even if the leaves were on the "dull" side! Getting lots of snow now . . . too early!

  29. Gorgeous colors! I cannot believe you are expecting snow already! We are having a warm and sunny day here.

  30. We drove out into northwestern VA today in the snow and it was wild to see it swirling around all those fall leaves!

    Love your beautiful pics.

  31. I'm sorry that you are getting banged up by snow too soon already. I hope it wasn't too disrupting.

  32. Gorgeous! We don't really get autumn leaves here so it was lovely to see the colours.

  33. Gorgeous colours. We mostly get yellow leaves which turn a drab brown. We should be getting snow very soon, too.

  34. So, so pretty ... and delicate.

  35. These photos are gorgeous! I love the first one with the leaves that look almost pink...and I love how luch the leaves are in the second photo

    I hope you survived the snow okay.

  36. Love the colors...this is my favorite time of year!

  37. Wow! Beautiful! I love the fall. We've had so much rain (and then snow) that I haven't been out with my camera in weeks.

  38. Monday morning, post snowstorm: I hope you are safe. With no post today, I assume you have no power/internet.

    Stay warm!

  39. It was more muted this year, wasn't it? And too warm. Maybe we need those cold nights to make the colors more striking. The air feels more like fall now! We didn't get the big storm up here. Just a few inches. Beautiful today with the bright sunshine on it.

  40. Hope you survived the storm! Nothing in our area, but our travels to Twin A's college for Family Weekend put us right in the path. Lots of activities cancelled, but we had fun together anyway.

  41. So pretty. Beautiful colors in both. I was sad that our patio furniture was put away too, but at lest we haven't had snow yet!


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