Tuesday, July 30, 2013

First Chapter ~ First Paragraph Tuesday Intros - The Quarry; Iain Banks

Every Tuesday I host First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros, where I share the first paragraph or (a few) of a book I am reading or thinking about reading soon. Care to join us?

This week I'm featuring an intro from a book that was released in June.

The Quarry; Iain Banks
Redhook/Hachette; June 2013

"Most people are insecure, and with good reason. Not me.

This is probably because I've had to think about who I am and who I am not, which is something your average person generally doesn't have to do.  Your average person has a pair of parents. or at least a mother, or at least knows roughly where they fit into all of that family business in a way that I, for better or worse, don't.  Usually I think it's for better, though sometimes not.

Also, it helps that I am very clever, if challenged in other ways.  Challenged in the context means that I am weird, strange, odd, socially disabled, forever looking at things from an unusual angle, or however you want to put it."
What do you think? Would you keep reading?  Feel free to join us by linking your First Chapter post below.


  1. This definitely seems to be the sort of book that would interested me into reading more. I want to find out more about the person talking.

  2. It's interesting. I'm not sure it's my kind of book, but I'd read a little further to find out.

  3. Not quite sure yet. I'd have to read a little bit more, but this isn't immediately grabbing me.

  4. This character does sound intriguing, so I do want to know more.

  5. This sounds as if it will be a kind of exciting thriller! I'd keep reading.

  6. Interesting. First time I've come across this book and I haven't read this author before so I'd have to read a little more to decide.

  7. Because of this "...I am weird, strange, odd, socially disabled, forever looking at things from an unusual angle..." I would definitely keep reading.

  8. The opening definitely intrigued me enough to keep reading!

  9. I think I would probably look for a different book.

  10. Not sure about the writing for this one. I'll look for your review. Here's Mine

  11. I already like the narrator in this opening paragraph. As he says, he's very clever. I've never read anything by this author but I like this.

  12. Hmmm....the narrator seems a bit full of himself...would keep reading on!


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