Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Henri, le Chat Noir: The Existential Musings of an Angst-Filled Cat; William Braden

 William Braden - Ten Speed Press - 2013

Calling all cat-lovers, Henri, le Chat Noir will surely make you smile. Feline-Philosopher, Henri's insightful musings struck a chord with me. He's cute, he's smart and thought-provoking.

In general, Henri does not trust the out side world; he doesn't like when he has to wait for his breakfast, and he sleeps because our world is troubled and he thinks other cats who play with toys, fake mice etc are "delusional".

Tastefully done in, what else but "black and white", the photos are terrific and do justice in portraying Henri in the best possible light:) One page features one of Henri's musings, while the opposite page has a different photo of Henri.

One of my favorites:
When I watch you go about your activities, make no mistake about my intentions.  I am not curious or coy.
I am judging you.

A few more great musings

People often wonder if cats climb up to high places so they can feel superior.
This is absolutely absurd. Elevation does not affect our superiority

They curse the fur on the bed, but what is shedding if not a reminder of my own spiritual evanescence?
It is my soul they vacuum up.

The best way to enjoy this book is with a cup of tea or glass of wine and your own "Henri-ite purring on your lap.  Trust me, you will appreciate your own complex felines all the more, and perhaps even gain a better understanding of them as well.  

This book is a great conversation piece when you leave a copy in out for company to enjoy. The book would also make the perfect gift for yourself or the cat-lover in your life and priced under $10.00 as well.

Highly recommended


  1. Very clever and would make an amusing gift for a cat lover.

  2. We love Henri! If you haven't seen his videos on YouTube you really should go watch!

  3. I love Henri ... his videos make me laugh out loud!

  4. So there is a book now. I have been watching the videos on YouTube for a while. They are so great and SO spot on!

  5. This has to be the perfect book for cat lovers! I love that pic. It reminds me of my own cat.

  6. OMG!! I laughed so hard...loved it! I saw this book at B&N the other day and recognized it immediately because of your Goodreads update!! I need to go back and read it!

  7. Love it! I'm making a note for a gift idea. Thanks :)


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