Tuesday, December 18, 2012

First Chapter ~ First Paragraph Tuesday Intros

Every Tuesday, I'll be posting the opening paragraph (maybe two) of a book I decided to read based on the opening paragraph (s). Feel free to grab the banner and play along. For today's First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intro, I'm featuring an intro of a book I am currently reading -- it's non-fiction and kinda sad but very very good.  Has anyone read this one?

Will Schwalbe 


"We were nuts about the mocha in the waiting room at Memorial Sloan-Kettering's Outpatient Care Center.  The coffee isn't good, and the hot chocolate is worse.  But if, as Mom and I discovered, you push the "mocha" button, you see how two not-very-good things can come together to make something quite delicious.  The graham crackers aren't bad either."

Would you keep reading?
Please feel free to grab the logo and join in by posting the first paragraph (or 2) of a book you are reading now or hoping to read soon. You can add your link below --



  1. I've heard nothing but good about this one. And I did like that opening.

  2. I've had my eye on this one...I like that opener, and yes, I'd keep reading.

  3. I'm curious about the book title and from the opening sentences can see that it's a novel, not nonfiction.I would keep reading.

  4. Lots of positive reviews of this one lately - I definitely want to read it! Crossing to Safety, one of their selections, is one of my favorites, too.

  5. I would keep reading if the Mocha came along with the book!

  6. I just brought this book home from the library!

    Mine is here.

  7. I see this book everywhere! In the bookstores, they've even have a little shelve and display all the books mentioned in this book... like a real book club selections. But I'm afraid I have an avoidance of 'end of life' stories, esp. from cancer, illness, and aging parents... my weak point... too real than fictional for me.

    1. I know what you mean about "end of life stories", but for some reason, this month most of the books I've chosen are somewhat somber stories.

  8. I've been seeing this book alot. I wonder if I would be able to get through it. Being a cancer survivor I'm a bit critical of books about cancer patients. I am going to check it out though and give it a try. Thanks for sharing the intro. My Tuesday Intro is here

    1. Lost both my mom and a brother to pancreatic cancer, so this story hits home big time.

  9. I keep hearing about this one! Can't wait to hear your thoughts when you're done.

  10. Oh, I would, especially because I know what this book is about, and want to read it when I can. It sounds like a bittersweet story.

  11. I definitely would and in fact I purchased the book some weeks ago and have it on the shelf at home reading for a future read.

  12. Great opening paragraph. I hope the mocha coffee story is a metaphor for the story ahead. I'd like to read this one.

  13. I have read about this book on a few sites, it should be good!

    I'm hoping to start reading/visiting blogs again now that I'm finally healthy and my energy is increasing (to want to sit an surf a bit). HA

    HOpe you have having a wonderful week, preparing for the holiday's with your beautiful grand daughter. Enjoy!

  14. I would keep on but I'm not sure if this would draw me in or not!!

  15. A bright spot of relief at the hospital! I'd continue reading.

  16. I have this one on my shelf and I am excited to read it. I like that first paragraph :)

  17. It does sound intriguing, even if I am skeptical about the mocha being good (because I'm picky about my coffee). :)

  18. I keep seeing this book on "Best of the Year" lists so I'm curious to see what you think of it.

  19. I probably wouldn't keep reading. Opening up in a hospital pretty much means it's not something I'll pick up.


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