Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Kids Books from Random House Young Readers - Dog-Gone School; Amy and Ron Schmidt and Penguin Cha-Cha; Kristi Valiant

Dog-Gone School; Amy and Ron Schmidt
July 2013 - Ages 3-7
5/5 stars

Dogs in school alone seems like  a recipe for humor, but this book is more than cute, it is just so well done. Amy Schmidt writer and Ron Schmidt illustrator have covered all aspects of school - dog style.

There are cute puppies and dogs doing math using an abacus, creating music as part of the school band, playing on playground, eating in the lunchroom with other dogs, doing art projects, reading.

The dogs in this book carry back packs, and their bathroom has a yellow fire hydrant on the door.  I loved the section called "Class Superlatives" which was an index of the class stars which included the dog's name, breed, as well as page reference numbers.  They covered it all in this book.

The art work is colorful and as cute as can be as is the text. This book will be one of those keepers for years to come. Kids will love this one....never mind kids: moms, dads and grandparents like me too!  BUY IT!

Penguin Cha-Cha; Kristi Valiant
August 2013 - Ages 2-7
3.5/5 stars

Penguin Cha-Cha features a girl named Julia who loves to watch the animal performances as the Romping Chomping Park and Zoo every weekend.  She notices that the penguins seem to be having way too much fun and she tries to find a way to join their act.  It's not easy though as when she follows them back to Penguin Cove, she finds that when she is around, they are still as mice.  She needs to come up with a creative way to gain their interest. Cha-cha anyone?

This book is very cute. Watercolor illustrations are whimsical and fun, and the placement of the text adds interest, however, I found the size of the text way too small and strained to read this one.  Considering the fact that it is for young children beginning to learn words and reading, the problem with the text size seems like an issue.  Don't get me wrong, it is a cute book, but you may want to check it out at a bookstore or library before purchasing it sight unseen.

Kristi Valiant is both the author and illustrator.  

Both ebooks were received from Edelweiss


  1. Fun post today, Diane! Cute books!

  2. They both look cute but Dog-Gone School looks downright adorable!

  3. The cover of Dog-Gone School is adorable! The blurb is enticing, so enjoy!

  4. Since Gage has memorized Lola Goes to Work I think I need to get him Dog-Gone School. Thanks for the recommendation!

  5. Any kid would (or should) love the penguins cha-chaing. Love your latest header pic.

  6. I am now in love with children's picture books and illustrated books. These do sound cute. What better way to get children to read!

  7. The dog book has won me over!!!


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