Monday, August 5, 2013

Mailbox Monday - August 5, 2013

Mailbox Monday, started by Marcia, is the place to come and share your recent book acquisitions and walk away with a huge wish list! Our host for August is Penelope at The Reading Fever.

Truth be told, I've been a bit lazy about blogging about new books these last few weeks. Here is what arrived over the last few weeks:


  1. Very nice! Beautiful covers, and I love the design of the - is it a bedspread? - underneath. Happy and flowery.

  2. Nice selection. My Husband Next Door sounds like a fun read.

  3. It's been years (!!) since I've read anything by Wally Lamb! I loved I Know This Much is True, as well as She's Come Undone. We Are Water sounds like it may be a winner, too. Lucky you!

  4. Ooooh, you have the new Wally Lamb!!!

  5. You've got a full mailbox. Enjoy them all.

  6. Ooh, I see several that look delicious, Diane....I also got the Wally Lamb...and I want to read Accidents Happen. Also love the look of The Husband Next Door!

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  7. Wow, lots of great books! I have to admit the title Troubled Daughters, Twisted Wives made me laugh.

  8. They look great! Somehow, I have NOT heard of any of these books. It's not like you read YA or fantasy a lot. I must have been hiding under a stone. Anyway, they look good - I especially love Chaterine Alliott's books (but have not read this one).

  9. Been meaning to read The Longings of Wayward Girls. Accidents Happen looks exciting to me. Nice stack of books you have! Enjoy!

  10. Great bunch of books have made their way to your house. I got Wayward Girls too, and definitely am excited about the Wally Lamb book.

  11. Looks like your TBR shelf just got a lot more crowded--I haven't heard of any of these, but judging by the covers, you should have some good ones there.

  12. Looks like quite a variety. Enjoy!

  13. Oh you got some books I'm very curious about!
    I just finished Accidents Happen - it had lots of potential but unraveled a bit at the end. Hope you'll enjoy it though.

  14. I see a few that I have on my Kindle! I'm too lazy to add all of mine too, so I just spotlight one or two each week!! Enjoy!

  15. Ooh! Those are some great looking books! Will be looking forward to hearing your thoughts on some of them :) Enjoy!

  16. These all look good, Diane! Many of them I am not familiar with, but now that I am will have to add to my wish list. Mailbox Mondays are dangerous!

  17. There are a lot of books that I want to read here too. I'm looking forward to Wally Lamb's newest for sure!

  18. I'm really curious about the new Wally Lamb book. Looking forward to your thoughts. Happy reading!


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