Tuesday, October 1, 2013

First Chapter ~ First Paragraph Tuesday Intros - The Goldfinch; Donna Tartt

Every Tuesday I host First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros, where I share the first paragraph or (a few) of a book I am reading or thinking about reading soon. Care to join us?
This week I'm featuring an intro from an October 22nd release that I just started and am enjoying a lot (700+ pages).

The Goldfinch; Donna Tartt
Little Brown and Co - Hachette

"When I was still in Amsterdam, I dreamed about my mother for the first time in years.  I'd been shut up in my hotel for more than a week, afraid to telephone anybody or go out; and my heart scrambled and floundered at even the most innocent noises:  elevator bell, rattle of the minibar cart, even church clocks tolling the hour, de Westertoren, Krijitberg, a dark edge to the clangor, an inwrought fairy-tale sense of doom.  By day I sat on the foot of the bed straining to puzzle out the Dutch-language news on television (which was hopeless, since I knew not a word of Dutch) and when I gave up, I sat by the window staring out at the canal with my camel's-hair overcoat thrown over my clothes--for I'd left New York in a hurry and the things I'd brought weren't warn enough, even indoors."

What do you think? Would you keep reading?
(I'm at the 15% point on my Kindle . The writing is wonderful)

Feel free to join us by linking your First Chapter post below.


  1. Very, very interesting! Will definitely continue reading.

  2. I do like the sound of this one, I'd keep reading. have a nice day.

  3. Definitely need to read the back of this one but I think I would keep reading

  4. Oh, I want this book!! Love Tartt so much, have read The Secret History about five times over since it was first released. You lucky duck! xo

  5. I would keep reading. The intro takes me back to two years ago when I was "stranded" in Amsterdam for an extra 5 days at the end of my vacation. Because of Hurricane Irene, all flights to the east coast were cancelled, and luckily I was able to extend my stay at the hotel. Thanks to cable TV, I had lots of English language news. By the way, Amsterdam is a beautiful place to be stranded...and the people are very nice.

  6. Oh, yes, I do want to know what has happened and what will happen next! Very intense....

  7. That does pull me in. Why did she leave NY in a hurry? What happened to her mother? What else is going on in her life to stress her out.
    I read that Stephen King loved this book but scolded the author for taking like 10 years or something for this next book to come out :) Enjoy it.

  8. I haven't heard anything about this book, but I would definitely read on. Why would she leave NY and go to Amsterdam, when she knew not a word of Dutch? The cover is great too. Thanks for sharing.

  9. I'd keep reading but not on the basis of that paragraph. Amazon calls this book a best of the month.

  10. Oh, I love Donna Tartt! Didn't realize this book was quite so long, but I'd definitely keep reading.

  11. Yes, I am definitely interested enough to know why, how and what happens next.

  12. What a captivating way to begin a novel. I definite want to keep reading.

  13. I already have this book on my list to read. It sounds great and this opening only verifies that. I'm glad you're enjoying it!

  14. Ooo! The intro to The Goldfinch has me hooked already. I would definitely keep reading.

  15. Yep - I'm very curious to know what's going on. I can't wait for your review!

  16. Can't wait for this book! You're so lucky to have got an ARC! Very jealous ;-)

  17. Yes, definitely. I think I'm going to like Donna Tartt--I've never read her, but I got a copy of The Secret History, which I've heard is good. The premise appealed to me, anyway.


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