Sunday, October 13, 2013

Sunday Salon - October 4 day weekend edition

Columbus Day weekend here and I'm extending our Monday holiday from work by one day which means no work until Wednesday. I spent yesterday doing stuff that needed to be done, but nothing exciting: getting an oil change, grocery shopping, cooking/baking, and looking for my iPOD.....ugh. I recall sticking it in a tote bag on handbag, but which one?? It was about (2) weeks ago when I last saw it so I know the battery is dead, but on a positive note, I'm 95% sure I haven't lost it, just misplaced frustrating though.

I'm still reading, The Goldfinch; Donna Tartt, it's so long, but good as well - love the writing. (at the 85% point on my Kindle).  I have a few reviews to write: Bellman & Black; Diane Setterfield, good, but I wish I had read this one before 13th Tale, as it left me a tad disappointed. I also just finished Fin & Lady; Catherine Schine (audio version) which I enjoyed a lot.

My next (2) reads are hefty tomes: Wally Lamb's new book: We Are Water and Amy Tan's new book, Valley of Amazement - both sound wonderful.

Today my SIL and I are heading to the outlet malls for some retail therapy while Mr. Bibliophile enjoys football. There will be a pot roast in crock pot, and the pumpkin bread I just made have made the house smell awesome.  Columbus Day will be a movie - either Gravity in 3-D or Captain Phillips --Have you seen these movies yet? Tuesday is perhaps a drive, some remnants of whats left of the foliage, and then I'll be meeting my son for dinner ---we're making this monthly mom and son time - I love it.
I hope you are all having a nice weekend.

Now for .....Why I Smile A lot
 Wordless Sunday
(we're at the silly stage)


  1. That pic is too adorable. She looks like a fun gal to be around.

  2. I hate when I misplace something like that. By the time I find it, I don't want it anymore.

    I saw Gravity and thought it was okay but I'm not a sci-fi person.

    I love the photo!!

  3. That picture sure did make us smile! Have a wonderful Easy Sunday!!!

  4. I want to read The Goldfinch, but it sure will be a big investment of time!

    The photo made me laugh ... so cute!

  5. I have Bellman & Black on my tbr pile. After seeing some not so great reviews for it, I am not so excited to read it. I haven't read 13th Tale yet but hear nothing but good things about it. I had high hopes for B&B.

    I can see why you smile so much! She is adorable!

  6. The photo made me smile too. My son saw Gravity in 3D and highly recommends it. I hope to go as soon. I haven't misplaced my iPod, but it keeps freezing up with awful noises, I think it is near it's end. I agree with you about Bellman and Black. Loved Fin and Lady. Enjoy yours extra days off.

  7. Isn't she a cutie! How nice that you get to extend your weekend. Hope you have fun at the outlets!

  8. Enjoy the extra long weekend!!

  9. Good luck finding your iPod, Diane. Enjoy the time with your son and the sweet new addition to the family!

  10. That photo's priceless! I wish I had Monday off too, but bummer, I got to go to work tomorrow.

  11. Ha! What a great photo. She's such a cutie!

    I'm anxious to hear what you think of Wally Lamb's latest. I sold a copy of I Know This Much Is True to a customer the other day and it had me wishing I had more time for re-reads. I loved that novel!

    I hear Gravity is very good. We might see it in another week or two, but I'm not sure I want to see it in 3D.

  12. Glad to hear you're enjoying The Goldfinch -Stephen King wrote a good review in yesterday's NYTimes. And I really want to read Wally Lamb's book, too. Hope you enjoyed the shopping... sounds like a perfect Sunday!

  13. The silly stage is a blast, huh? She's a doll Diane!!

  14. Love your little Groucho. She's so cute and it's fun to be silly. Enjoy your holiday weekend.

  15. I love the picture of your granddaughter. I love when they are at that cute stage. I hope you found your iPod. I'm so bad for sticking things in my various handbags and then I can't find them.

  16. AWWWW. I'd smile at that face a lot too :)


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