Saturday, October 5, 2013

Love Potion Number 10; Betsy Woodman

Henry Holt & Co. - 2013

I wanted a quick and fun read and from the cover and title, I thought this book might be the one; I was right.  This book is actually the second of a proposed trilogy. The first book was:Jana Bibi's Excellent Fortunes. I enjoyed this one, but really do want to go back and read the first book as well.

This story takes place in Hamara Nagar, a fictional town somewhere in the Indian Himalayas where fifty-nine year old Janet Laird (Jana) makes a living as a fortune teller, reading the cards of mostly tourists who visit the area.  She has help though, in the form of a loose-jawed parrot named Mr. Ganguly. In this installment Mr. Ganguly's popularity draws attention to himself by some birdnappers.

Yes, Mr. Ganguly makes the story very fun, but I now want to learn more about Jana, Jolly Grant House and the other characters as well. Jana is a very sweet lady, (she is Scottish, but a citizen of India).  This one was just so much fun, but there are some endearing moments as well. It was just such a refreshing change from a few sad stories I've read lately.   Try it if you need a nice change of pace!

(eGalley received via NetGalley)


  1. I like stories of the colonials who have remained behind. They have such interesting histories and stories with them.

  2. I does sound like a nice change of pace. Glad you enjoyed it!

  3. I want to read this one! I read cards too, and this sounds like fun with the parrot and the colonial era. Plus it sounds light and fun, definitely a change from what I've been reading, too.

  4. Thanks for sharing, Diane...this one does sound good...and I do enjoy books that are a change of pace.

    1. Oh, and I once knew someone who taught me how to read Tarot cards...but I've long since forgotten much of it. But it was fun...and fascinating.

  5. I like the ones with the crime solving pets! Hadn't heard of this series.

  6. This looks like fun. I'll put the whole trilogy on my list.

  7. I agree, that does sound cute and so is the title!

  8. This sounds like a lot of fun! :)

  9. I like the sound of this one--especially how many dark reads I've enjoyed recently. I am glad you enjoyed this one, Diane!


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