Tuesday, October 29, 2013

First Chapter ~ First Paragraph Tuesday Intros - The Night Guest; Fiona McFarlane

Every Tuesday I host First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros, where I share the first paragraph or (a few) of a book I am reading or thinking about reading soon. Care to join us?  I haven't begun this book yet, but, I hope to within a few days. The reviews made it seem like one I would enjoy.  Have your read it?
Faber & Faber - 2013

"Ruth woke at four in the morning and her blurry brain said 'Tiger.'  That was natural; she was dreaming.  But there were noises in the house, and as she woke she heard them.  They came across the hallway from the lounge room.  Something large was rubbing against Ruth's couch and television and, she suspected. the wheat-coloured recliner disguised as a wingback chair.  Other sounds followed: the panting and breathing of a large animal; a vibrancy of breath that suggested enormity and intent; definite vibrancy of breath that suggested enormity and intent; definite mammalian noises, definitely feline, as if her cats had grown in size and were sniffing for food with enormous noses.  But the sleeping cats were weighing down the sheets at the end of Ruth's bed, and this was something else."

What do you think? Would you keep reading? Feel free to join us by linking your First Chapter post below.


  1. Oh no, I do not want to know what that huge mammalian creature is. It sounds like one of my nightmares. Sorry, Diane, but I'm afraid it's not for me.

  2. that sounds creepy, I'm scared already :O enjoy your book.

  3. Scary! I'd keep reading. Definitely doesn't sound the sort of guest you'd want.

  4. Keep reading! Intriguing (and a bit scary).

  5. I don't think I'd keep reading. I don't like scary too much, but hope you enjoy it.

  6. I have not read it....and I don't think I would continue. I will await your review, but I too do not do scary!

  7. I want to read this one and am waiting for a copy from the library.

  8. That sounds like an exciting book!

  9. Yep, I'd continue. I have to know what this is about.

  10. I LOVED this one...and the opening lines are great!

  11. Uh oh, I'd keep reading to see what is prowling around.

  12. That sounds kind of creepy! I would keep reading.

  13. Oooh, that sounds intriguing. I love tension-filled beginnings :) I would keep reading...

  14. Better late then never (in linking up, I mean)
    I would keep reading! Sounds like a good one for October.

  15. I would keep reading. I have read several mini-reviews of this book and it intrigues me. I'm very curious what the entire book is about!


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