Thursday, September 13, 2018

I Remember Nothing and Other Reflections; Nora Ephron

AUTHOR: Nora Ephron
PUB. YEAR: 2010
SETTING: unsure
FORMAT:  - my shelves
RATING: 4/5 stars

In this collection of some (23) essays, the late Nora Ephron (2012) writes on a variety of subjects; past, present and future. One story,  "My Aruba", is an essay that Ephron names after her cowlick, a bald spot on the back of her head. In "My Life as an Heiress", she talks about family and how she was not from a close-knit family. She resented that her brother Hal got to attend Columbia while she had to go to a public college. Then in another short reflection simply titled, "Teflon" she made me smile once again. Her reflections are often funny, sometimes downright quirky, and other times insightful and though provoking.

The author wrote this collection when she was dealing with leukemia which most of her followers were not even aware of at the time.  Her fans were naturally shocked to learn of her passing in 2012 at the age of 71.

I thought this was a nice collection after, I Feel Bad About My Neck and Other Thoughts on Being a Woman, a book that had really resonated with me when I read it.


  1. I read this after I Feel Bad About My Neck, too. Such a talented woman...

  2. I haven't read this one, but I did love the 'neck' book. Interesting - don't think she had a brother, but 3 sisters. One of them is 'Hallie Ephron', who writes mysteries. Wonder if that is 'Hal'?

  3. I loved I Feel Bad About My Neck. Someday I will probably read this collection too.

  4. After reading and loving Calipso earlier this year, I'm willing to try more essays, particularly if they are funny and quirky. :-)

  5. Will keep an eye out for this as I enjoyed I Feel Bad About My Neck. I'm getting a bit of a taste for essays, have a collection by Graham Greene on library pile.

    1. Cath, me too, I'm finding I'm enjoying essays more than we used to.

  6. I am embarrassed to admit that I've never read anything by her!

  7. I think I would love this—must get a copy so that I can read an essay whenever the mood strikes. I was shocked when she passed away.

  8. Oh I've really liked some of her books -- very funny The Neck book! This one sounds like a winner too.

  9. I think I would like this book, I enjoyed The Neck book and am reading many memoirs/essays especially by women, often by older women who have humor and a bit of wisdom to share.


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