Sunday, September 2, 2018

The Clock Dance; Anne Tyler

TITLE: Clock Dance
AUTHOR: Anne Tyler
PUB. YEAR: 2018
FORMAT:  - PrintLibrary
RATING: 4/5 stars


Clock Dance opens in 1967, PA, and follows the life of the book's main character Willa  Drake. We first meet Willa when she is only 11 years old.  Her dysfunctional family includes a mother, who walks out on the family without notice, her passive father and a younger sister. At 21 Willa marries her college boyfriend and at 41 she finds herself a young widow.  Fast forward to part II, Willa is remarried and living in Arizona. It's a marriage that demonstrates that she has repeated some of the patterns of her past, When an unexpected phone call from Baltimore from someone in need of help causes Willa to leave her home in Arizona.  While in Baltimore, it's like a lightbulb finally goes off, helping Willa to decide how the remainder of her life might possibly play out.

This was a slow moving story. I loved the writing but,  I  found myself wishing Willa would become a stronger, more outspoken woman. She was one of those women who never expected much from other people, including her family, and as a result she got very little in return for her efforts.  I was happy I read this one even though it wasn't perfect,  I thought that the quirky characters introduced toward the end of the novel were delightful.


  1. Willa was a pushover but I liked her for some reason. I listened to this book and really enjoyed it.

    1. She was a pushover, I was tooting for her to change and finally -- maybe she did.

  2. I plan to read this one, too. Tyler never disappoints.

    1. Enjoy! I love her books too; Noah's Compass was one of my favorites.

  3. I may give this one a try, but I remember disliking one of Tyler's books that "fast forwards" to abruptly. We'll see.

    1. I know what you mean, this was pretty good but, not a favorite. Have you read Noah's Compass? Loved that one.

    2. I just double-checked and I did read it. In 2010! I wrote about it here.

  4. Waiting for this at the library. I have loved all of Tyler's books that I have read so far.

  5. I haven't read an Anne Tyler novel is years. Perhaps it's time I did so again.

  6. It seems that, despite some issues, the book was generally good as your rating reflects you liked it a lot.

    1. I did like it, as I said, not perfect but still a good read.

  7. I generally get impatient with this kind of woman. This may not be for me. I will be going tut tut throughout and irritating myself!!

    1. Yes, I like women who grow stronger & change when someone takes advantage of them.


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