Saturday, September 22, 2018

Us Against You; Fredrik Backman

TITLE: Us Against You - (Sequel to Beartown)
AUTHOR: Fredrik Backman
PUB. YEAR: 2018
SETTING:  Small Swedish town
FORMAT:  - eGalley
RATING: 3.5/5 stars

In this sequel to Beartown, returning readers will find the first 50+ pages recap what transpired in Book 1. I thought the sequel started out slow and seemed less about hockey and more about the people who live in the small town of Beartown, a town that was struck with tragedy and scandal.

There are some new characters including a new hockey coach, this time a female, which creates controversy. The story covers many weighty issues like homophobia, suicide and violence and, while I don't have a problem with meaty issues, this book came across as a little too preachy at times. I also wasn't a fan that the author overdid the foreshadowing in this one as well.

Don't get me wrong, this author knows how to write about people and small town life, there are many beautiful passages that will make you think. Readers who love stories about close knit, small town life and, those who love character driven novels, this series is for you. Bachman has the unique ability of creating characters who are able to feel empathy when individuals suffer.

Some readers have described this series was an emotional roller coaster, I didn't see it as such but, it certainly was darker, sadder and even a bit gritty at times.  If you plan on reading this series, I'd recommended reading the books in order.


  1. I've only read one book by this author, A Man Called Ove. I do have the book about the grandmother (with a lengthy title), and I'll read that one before I try this series.

    I don't usually like books with sports themes, but if the hockey isn't a major part of the story, I might like it.

    Thanks for sharing.

    1. I do like this author and although many raved about this series, I liked the writing but not the preachy parts.

  2. I just got a copy of Beartown, but haven't started it yet. Too bad the sequel isn't as good; I think I'll just read the one.

  3. Sounds a bit like a sequel without the seq!

  4. I've read other reviews of bloggers that were less than satisfied about this sequel. Most people raved about Beartown.

    1. Some are mentioning a third book in the series, I must say, "I hope not."

  5. I thought it was just me Vicki. I did like Beartown, so much more.

  6. When I see this author I always equate his work to warm and fuzzy not dark and gritty but maybe a little grit is okay. I don't like things to be too perfect or sweet. Makes for an unrealistic read.


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