Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Summer Demands; Deborah Shapiro

AUTHOR:  Deborah Shapiro
PUB. YEAR: 2019
FORMAT:  library/print - 224 pages
RATING - 4/5

About to turn 40 and having recently suffered a miscarriage, Emily and husband David move from Chicago to a newly acquired property in MA where Emily spent many a summer growing up.  The property was once an old summer camp that belonged to Emily's late aunt.  The property is in a state of disrepair but the couple is hoping to turn it into a possible resort.

While David is away and working long hours Emily is unemployed, looking for work and trying to come up with ideas for the property. As she roams the property she discovers a young woman named Stella that has been staying in one of the cabins. Emily befriends Stella and even keeps her presence a secret for a while. When she does tell David, he doesn't seem troubled by her being on the property temporarily.  As the two women who are almost a generation apart in age, get to know one another, it seems each is just who the other needs in their life at the moment. Who is the mysterious Stella and what brings her to the area? As the women get to know one another, watching French films, swimming in the lake and spending lazy summer days together opening up in other ways, I couldn't help but wonder how this story would all end.

The novel has a quiet style and was slow paced but, the beautiful summer setting and a writing style that enables you to easily visualize what is going on made it work pretty well. It was a book I read in one sitting and in some ways it reminded my of younger days, those summers gone by and the early female friendships of our past that are a part of who we are today. A nice summer choice overall. 


  1. This does sound like a good choice for the end of summer. I am curious as to why the older woman is staying there, and how it will all end. Thanks for sharing a new-to-me author and title.

  2. This sounds like a nice visit with friends wrapped inside a book.

  3. This sounds like a very enjoyable read. Love that cover too!

  4. Yes, it was pleasant but with a little bit of conflict which I liked.

  5. I hadn't heard of this one before, but it does sound like a nice, languid read. Perfect for summertime!


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