Sunday, May 24, 2020

Summer Reading List for 2020

I wasn't sure whether it would be wise to make a summer reading list for 2020 but, then figured, hey, I'm here, I'm  home and I'm still practicing social distancing so, yeah, I actually might be able to accomplish a goal like this.  

So here goes: a few murder mysteries, thrillers, lighter beach/pool reads and one non-fiction.  Have you read any of these? Double Indemnity (1931) and Malice Aforementioned (1936) are oldies but  goodies and were considered (2) of the top murder mysteries on the list created in Eight Perfect Murders; Peter Swanson.


  1. No, I haven't read any but will be looking into a few of these as they look interesting.

  2. I haven't read any of these, but I'm interested in 28 Summers. Good luck!

  3. Curious how you like the Ottessa Moshfegh book. I hope you are able to cross off all of these during your summer reading!

  4. Double Indemnity is great - but so is pretty much everything else by James Cain.

    And I'm listening to the audiobook version of Hidden Valley Road right now...strange.

  5. 28 Summers is on my list - sometimes nothing fits the bill like an Elin Hilderbrand!

  6. I like your list! Happy reading!

  7. It looks like quite a few good ones on your list!

  8. Not thinking of a summer reading list, but I've been thinking of joining a summer reading challenge on Goodreads. We'll see how that goes.

    You've got some interesting ones on your list. Haven't read any of those but a few are on my wishlist.

  9. Some good reads here. Some are new to me and I will be looking out for them.

  10. The only one I've read is Double Indemnity long ago in what now seems like another lifetime. Your list seems varied enough to keep you interested and entertained right through summer.

  11. I have not read any of these, but I think that 28 Summers looks good. I'm thinking of reading the Lord of the Rings books. My husband has only been telling me to reading them for over 40 years - ha! We're watching the movies gradually right now. We've seen them many times and own the DVD's, but I wanted a hopeful story that was good vs. evil and good won in the end. Even though Hubby doesn't like watching things over and over, he loves the Tolkien books (probably his favorites ever). I may move on to Harry Potter after we finish them. Anyway, I told him I might just read the books this summer. I've read The Hobbit twice now. Hope you're having a good weekend!

  12. I have the Delinsky book, as you know, and I do want to add more from Thayer and Hilderbrand.

    Enjoy them all, and thanks for visiting my blog.

  13. I'm not sure if I will do a list. I like the idea of it but pandemic reading is all about mood. I am only wanting to read books that immediately call to me at that moment and that list changes a couple of times a day.

    I am almost done with the King book now. I love it.

  14. Summer reading lists are always fun .... whether you get to them all or not. It's in the making of the list that counts! Of these you mention ... I like the looks of Kept Animals and might add that to my TBR. thanks.

  15. You are going to have a great summer of reading!

  16. Good books! I can't quite get myself to make a summer list as my reading is so bad right now. Maybe when school ends next week I'll be better at reading because I am really missing books.

  17. Diane,
    I am waiting to get a hold of 28 Summers. Also, I have already got Hidden Valley Road on Audible ready to go. The Delinsky novel I'll have to look up. Thanks!

  18. All of these are titles I've never read, but it looks like you've a varied summer reading list ahead of you.

    I think particularly now, during the pandemic, goals and challenges like this are great as little pick me ups and good for focus.

    A few of these titles, and the blurbs, have intrigued me here, so I look forward to seeing your thoughts on them. Happy reading!


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