Sunday, May 3, 2020

Sunday Once Again and April in Review

It's been a sunny weekend with 60-70 degree temps so we've really been enjoying it as it's going to get cooler again. A few days of rain coming this week as well.  It's been a little bit noisy around our condo as they replaced our wooden deck with Trex which looks great so it was worth the noise - no more slivers.

Early Mother's Day Baskets

                                                             Reviews this Week: 

            Reviews Needed

                                                            Currently Reading/listening to:

We watched and enjoyed (3) terrific movies this week: Guess Who's Coming to Dinner (1967) - I'm admitting to never having seen this movie before and OMG, did I LOVE every minute of it! We also watched Dan in Real Life (2007) which I've seen four times but I just love it. It was filmed in Rhode Island, beautiful setting and has a great cast - just a nice movie. We also watched Regarding Henry (1991) this was about the fourth time I saw this one as well and such a heartwarming film as well.
Exercise and other highlights…
We managed to walk 4 times this week. We had a brief outdoor visit from my daughter with some beautiful flowers for an early Mother's Day. It was nice to see her and our (2) April birthday girl granddaughters.  We also received 2 new decorative masks to keep us safe.
Another good Instacart experience this week - this time a delivery of wine and spirits. Who would have thought we'd enjoy having personal shoppers so much?
Today’s To Do List…
A long walk, reading outdoor and dinner preparation.

Retail Therapy...

Nothing new this week

Looking forward to…
This week is our anniversary so hoping to have the dress up for dinner and cocktails evening I mentioned previously. We are still under a shelter in place order - only essential business are opened - even dentists are only opening for emergencies. Most restaurants are closed but,  a few do have take out, salons closed, banking is by appointment or drive up...the list goes on.

April Reading Results 

(7) books read - (35) YTD

                                                             Favorite Book in April

  1. Sea Wife; Amity Gage - 4/5 - (eGalley/April)
  2. The Red Lotus; Chris Bohjalian - 4/5 (eGalley/audio combo - April)
  3. 142 Ostriches; April Davila - 4/5 - (eGalley/April)
  4. You Are Not Alone; Hendricks and Pekanhen - 4/5 - (audio-April)
  5. Weather; Jenny Offill -  4/5 (audio/April)
  6. Eight Perfect Murders; Peter Swanson - 5/5 (eGalley/audio combo/April) - review in progress
  7. The Dilemma; B.A. Paris - 2/5 (eGalley/April) review in progress
                                                  How are all of you doing?


  1. I'm glad you were able to visit with your family this week. I miss my family and my friends so much. I've learned through this that I am definitely a people-person.

    I'm terribly worried about our state opening up so quickly. I saw pictures from Galveston yesterday, and it looked like everyone in Texas was there. Worrisome.

    I'm curious to see what you think about Weather. I will look for your review.

  2. Looks like some good books. Your new deck sounds nice and hooray for a family visit, that's terrific!

  3. I need to pick up Eight Perfect Murders because I really like Swanson's work.

    I generally dislike grocery shopping and am thankful we can have groceries delivered, but I sure would love to shop for myself some. Sometimes I have to see what's there to know what I want/need.

  4. Love your week! Looks like a very productive one in books!

    Happy anniversary in advance! Who knew that dressing up would be an occasion in itself. Last month, I put on makeup for the first time in a month and really enjoyed it for a change. I'm usually rushing through the door.

  5. Happy Anniversary this week! Wine and spirits have been a great help in this time! I have Wild Game on my shelf. Looking forward to your thoughts on that one.

  6. Happy Anniversary! What a great idea to watch some heart warming movies. I've been getting caught up in dramas, but could do with a little more positivity in my watching.

  7. I hope you enjoy the new deck, Diane. As your weather gets cooler, ours will be getting hotter this week. I have been enjoying opening the windows during the day, but that will be changing this week, unfortunately. I'll need the air conditioner for sure.

    The Mother's Day baskets are beautiful! I ordered flowers for my mother and mother-in-law. They should arrive them next Saturday if everything goes as planned. I went with local florists near where they live so as to support their local communities. Luckily they both had websites so it made it easier making a selection.

    Happy Anniversary! I hope you and your husband have a nice celebration.

    Eight Perfect Murders is one I really want to read. I am glad to see you liked it so much! I hope you have a great week.

  8. Regarding Henry is one of those movies that i will stop and watch anytime I find it on.

  9. I also loved Eight Perfect Murders, You Are Not Alone, and The Red Lotus.

    I have The Dilemma on my stack...and I love those flowers!

    Enjoy your week.

  10. Reading and just routine work going on apace and I don't believe another Monday has dawned here. I am sure May will go the way March and April did. I seem to be drifting my days away. I do have schedules in my mind of work to do but somehow it gets put off for another day! Still on curfew though.

    Stay safe.

  11. I love the movie Guess Who's Coming to Dinner!

  12. Happy anniversary! Regarding Henry is such a good film. Very sensitive performance from Harrison Ford.

  13. Happy Anniversary šŸ„‚
    I’d love to replace our wood deck with something like Trex.

    Wishing you a great reading week and good health

  14. Happy anniversary!! Wishing you the best in May! Stay safe!

  15. Happy Anniversary!! We rebuilt our front deck/stairs with Trex about 5 years ago and still love it. I'm sure you will, too. Restaurants are re-opening today in FL with 25% indoor capacity and outdoor with appropriate distance. We plan to wait a few more weeks and see what happens before we go. Glad you got to visit outdoors with your family. Hoping we can visit my 92-year-old FIL and SIL soon. Seems like it's been such a long time. Have a good week!

  16. I remember watching Regarding Henry when it came out and loving it but I hardly remember anything about it. Should see it again. Happy Anniversary in advance. We've started "opening" our state but I'm all for staying in a while longer. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to be out and about again but I'll be patient. Hope you have a great week!

  17. Happy Anniversary! Ours is this month too. On Friday, some businesses here are allowed to open for pick-up only. For Mother's Day, we may drive to the beach to have fish tacos but we can't hang around the beach unless they change the restrictions by this weekend. Plus, it will be Mother's Day so I bet a lot of people will be out.

  18. Hope you two have a nice anniversary! The flowers are lovely.

  19. We have Trex on our deck and front porch and it's very nice. I love your hanging baskets and plan to take my mom shopping for some plants for our deck later this week. We both will wear face masks and the plants are outdoors, so I hope it will be safe for her! It's been years since I've seen Regarding Henry. What a great movie! Happy Anniversary to you and your hubby!

  20. How nice to have a visit with your family and those flowers are beautiful! I love Guess Who's Coming to Dinner though I haven't seen it in ages. Katharine Hepburn is one of my favorite actresses and she does that role wonderfully. And of course the rest of the cast is fabulous. Hope you're having a great week!

  21. Yeah I should watch the Sidney Poitier movie too -- have not seen it! Will look for the Steve Carell movie too -- can't recall if I've seen it. thanks for these!

  22. It sounds like your month went well... Considering all that is going on in the world right now. I love the brightness of the flowers in your new baskets - we need that kind of cheer currently.

    I have Dilemma by B.A. Paris on reserve at the library (well the digital service)… Eek on your star rating! I have found though that the more I read of B.A. Paris (in publication order), the more I just don't enjoy the books... Which is a shame.

    Anyway, let's end this comment on a positive - Happy Anniversary!!

  23. Happy Anniversary! Getting dressed up and enjoying some cocktails sounds like the start of a great celebration.
    I've decided to do a Whole Foods trip every other week. Since Gage is gluten and dairy free what I can get in a delivery just isn't enough. I'm suiting up to go tomorrow.
    I loved all of those movies, especially Guess Who's Coming to Dinner. Such great performances.


Thanks for taking the time to visit and double thanks for any comments. If you ask a question in your comments, I will try to reply to it here, or by email if your settings allow me to do so. Thanks again for visiting.