Friday, May 1, 2020

Book Review - You Are Not Alone; Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen

AUTHOR:  Greer Hendricks & Sarah Pekkanen
PUBLISHER:  Macmillan Audio
PUB. YEAR: 2020
FORMAT: audio
RATING: - 4/5

In this psychological thriller Shay Miller is a young woman, who is searching for love and a more exciting life. One day she witnesses what appears to be a suicide by a woman on the subway tracks in NY.  It's a tragic incident that causes an obsession with Shay. She needs to find out everything she can about the victim, a young woman named Amanda.

She decides to attend the woman's funeral and meets sisters Cassandra and Jane. These young women seem to have the glamorous, fun life Shay has longed for. Naturally, she is thrilled when they befriend her pulling her into their circle but, little does Shay realize the sisters really don't want a new friend, they have ulterior motives.

The audio book is read by Barrie Kreinik who did a great job. The writing style has sort chapters and alternating POVs that worked well. Shay makes for an easy victim because she was lonely and searching for friendship and love.  I love that Shay kept what she called a "data book", a journal peppered with fun facts and statistics that are shared in a timely manner.  Overall, I really liked this psychological thriller; it is dark, twisted, manipulative and fast-paced.  It got slightly bogged down at times with back stories but, I was still very happy I read this one.  This is my third book by these authors having previously enjoyed: The Wife Between Us and An Anonymous Girl.


  1. I liked this one a lot more than An Anonymous Girl. I need to get to The Wife Between Us.

    1. Me too, An Anonymous Girl was my least favorite of the three.

  2. It is great when a psychological thriller meets one's expectations.

    1. Psych thrillers are my favorites I think so yes, I completely agree with you.

  3. I too just finished this one on audio ... I liked Shay and her data book & stats, the sisters were crazy.

  4. Hi Diane,
    I'm so glad that you really liked the audio narrator of this one. That's always great to hear. I'll put it on my list. Thanks! Hope you and your family are well. I so commiserate that you probably can't see all the family you'd like. I wish I could go on the genealogical adventures with my nephew Gavin, which we planned for April and May. Ugh.

    1. We are doing well and staying healthy thus far. Thanks Judith

  5. That sounds pretty interesting, we like psychological thrillers.

  6. The second book was my least favorite Vicki so it probably wasn't you.

  7. I read and enjoyed Anonymous Girl and this one is on my TBR. Glad to see you enjoyed the audio. I think that might be how I listen to it as I love a good thriller in audio.

  8. This sounds like an engaging psychological thriller, Diane. Excellent review!
    I don't listen to enough audio books. My last one was Becoming, which I loved, several months ago.

  9. Sounds good, Diane. I tend to stay away from novels written by multiple authors for some reason, but I think I'll look into this one.

  10. I recently read An Anonymous Girl and quite enjoyed it so I definitely want to read more by this author. I love a good psychological thriller!

  11. I've seen this book on a number of blogs, but haven't read it myself. There are so many good thrillers out there, but I do feel like I may have OD'd on them so am trying to sprinkle other genres in between.

  12. Anonymous Girl was good but seemed a little cold to me. Wife Between Us, I think I read that one was kind of the same. I love a good thriller though. Especially now. I need the distraction big time.

  13. I'm always up for a thriller, especially now. I need something fast-paced these days.


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