Saturday, January 22, 2022

Book Review - Mouth to Mouth; Antoine Wilson

Mouth to Mouth; Antoine Wilson
Simon & Schuster Audio - 2022 and Avid Reader Press
(audio download and eGalley provided by publisher in exchange for my unbiased review)
(Edoardo Ballerini - Narrator - very good - just under 5 hours)

Every once in a while I am drawn to a book that is somewhat unusual.  Initially, it was the cover art and title. The story proved to be different and rather addictive as well - it's a story within a story.

Our unnamed narrator is a struggling cult author who is at JFK airport as the story begins. His flight bound for Berlin is delayed. When he hears a page for a Jeff Cook and then notices the handsome face of a 40-something man with fancy luggage, he's pretty sure it is the same Jeff Cook he knew at UCLA some 20 years earlier.  After a quick conversation, Jeff invites the narrator, who is flying coach, into the First Class lounge with him.  Jeff proceeds to tell the narrator a story that he has never told anyone else. It seems that he saved a drowning man some 20 years earlier. He claims he became obsessed with finding and learning what happened to the victim, Francis Arsenault.  It seems Arsenault became a somewhat devious but successful art dealer in Beverly Hills. Cook continues to tell how when he meets Francis he wasn't recognized by him yet, despite this Francis sees something in Jeff and takes him under his wing, introducing him to the world of art. 

Why did Jeff supposedly keep this story to himself this long and, why reveal it at this time to someone he hasn't been in touch with since college?  To say more would lead to spoilers. 

This is one of those novels that is hard to stop reading once you begin and because it is just under 200 pages in print and under (5) hours on audio, it is entirely possible to finish it in one day.   This character driven story has a slow build up and a truly unexpected ending as well. The story isn't perfect but, is a doozy. I'm glad I had a chance to read/listen to it.

Rating - 4/5 stars


  1. All the questions you present re the man's story make me curious. I'll look for the book!

    1. Very different - Harvee, we are reading a lot of the same books in 2022 I noticed:)

  2. It's very different but, I thought it was good.

  3. It does seem an unusual and imaginative story.

    1. It certainly was. I don't recall reading a story within a story type of novel before.

  4. How intriguing! Now I want to know the answers to your questions. It sounds like a fun read.

  5. That sounds interesting, got me curious now!

  6. You've piqued my interest! I'm going to have to check this one out. :)

  7. What a weird plot, Diane. Sounds like one of those books that I would only reluctantly begin reading but could easily get totally hooked on after just a few chapters. Sometimes, the ones that sneak up on you turn out to be the most memorable of them all.

    Quick Note: I'm putting Book Chase to bed after 15 years of book blogging, but I didn't want to just disappear, so I'm leaving notes around letting people know (quietly) that I won't be reviewing anymore. I'll still be around cheering everyone on from the sidelines, via comments and tweets. Have a great reading year!

    1. Oh no Sam, you will be missed but, I understand. For me having to take time to compose my thoughts and write a review, takes the fun out of reading these days. Will you still be posting what you read on GoodReads?

  8. I haven't heard of this one, but I'm intrigued by your review!

  9. The cover is quite interesting--I like it. I love stories within stories and you've caught my attention with this review. I will have to check Mouth to Mouth out.

  10. This does sound like an unusual story, but so short I'm tempted to take a chance!

    1. It is really different and though I'm glad I read it, there are better books .

  11. Hmmm this sounds really interesting!

  12. Now this sounds really interesting and yes, that cover art will draw me in as well .
    Going to add this one to my TBR!

  13. I'm definitely intrigued. I'm not sure this premise would grab me enough for a 500 page book but for a short to the point page count I definitely want to try it.

  14. I'm game for this one! It sounds unusual ... but propulsive reading. I'm curious about why Jeff did this.

  15. Just put the audio on hold at the library!



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