Sunday, February 20, 2022

Book Review - The Golden Couple; Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekknan

The Golden Couple; Greer Hendricks & Sarah Pekknan
Macmillan Audio  (NetGalley) - 2022  - (11 hr 3 min)

Marissa and Matthew Bishop are the "golden couple" that many view with envy: looks, brains, success and an adorable 8 year old son as well. Privately, all is not "golden" and something is amiss within their marriage but, Marissa is desperate to fix things.  She seeks out a couple's therapist named Avery Chambers who is known to use some unethical tactics.  Well, that is how she lost her license but, some clients continue to rave about her amazing results. She employees a unique Ten Step program which turns out to be somewhat unorthodox to saw the least and her methods at times were even jaw dropping at times.

Can this marriage be saved? What brought the"Golden Couple" to seek therapy? Who can you trust in this story?

This audio book hooked me immediately: narrated by Marin Ireland and Karissa Vacker who did an excellent job.  The story is told from the POV of Avery, the therapist and Marissa, the "golden wife" and even though I wasn't sure I could trust either one them at times, I was drawn to each of them for different reasons - Marissa seemed to want to mend her marriage and Avery, well, she adopted an abused pit bull:)  These women do have their secrets as does "golden husband" Matthew. There were several secondary characters as well that added suspicion to the story.

I found the story engaging even if it did fizzle out a bit after a while. There were several twists and a somewhat unexpected climax as well.  I enjoyed the team of authors in the past and was happy I had a chance to try this one.

Rating - 4/5 stars

(audio book download provided by Macmillan Audio and Net Galley free of charge in exchange for my unbiased review.)


  1. Hi Diane,
    I'm sorry to say that for some unexplained reason, I'm unable to reply to the lovely comment you left for me yesterday on my blog. (I have no idea why, and of course it's not you, but my blog for some reason.) I think you would appreciate An Act of Love--not an easy read but so meaningful, at least it was for me. I have heard about The Golden Couple, and want to try it when it comes out. I'm not sure, but I don't think it's in libraries yet.
    How are your grandchildren?? Curious minds are interested... Wishing you the best!

    1. Judith, Blogger is a pain, every week it seems to be a new problem but, I can't be bothered trying to transition to something else. Golden Couple comes out in March - not sure of the date--it is good but, yet there are better thrillers as well. My (3) little grand girls are doing well; it's school vacation week and we are meeting tomorrow for lunch. I am so happy you posted - I alway worry when someone seems to have disappeared without a word:) Happy reading

  2. That does sound good, even if it did slow up a bit!

  3. I am always impressed with authors who can write a book together. I would think their literary voices and plot ideas would conflict and compete with one another. This sounds like a good one.

    1. Yes, me too and I've enjoyed this duo a lot - I wonder how they do that with decent consistency.

  4. I can't even imagine how it might work for two authors to collaborate on a book like this, but it does sound like an interesting read. Marin Ireland narrating is a definite plus!

    1. Marin Ireland is a treat to listen to. When ever I find a narrator I love, I tend to seek out their other offerings as well.

  5. A characer driven novel of a broken marriage. Glad you liked the audio.

    1. Very Good audio, decent psych thriller - not the best but good enough.

  6. You've got me curious about her unorthodox Ten Step Program.

    1. OMG - see was kinda nuts the things she did, no wonder she lost her license.

  7. Ooh I'm curious now what unethical methods this therapist is up to!

  8. I enjoyed another book by this author team and this sounds really good. I'm curious to know what all the secrets are!

  9. Ok, I'm intrigued by the unorthodox methods of the therapist--although it makes me a little nervous about her.

  10. I have this on audio and am looking forward to it, especially since Marin Ireland is one of the readers. Glad to know that you enjoyed it!


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