Tuesday, February 8, 2022

First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros - The Elephant of Belfast; S. Kirk Walsh

Welcome to First Chapter/Intros, hosted by Yvonne @ Socrates Book ReviewsEach week readers post the first paragraph (or 2) of a book we are reading or plan to read soon. I've been wanting to try this book since it was released last year.

Blackstone Audio - 2021
(library loan)


ON THAT MORNING OCTOBER 3, 1940, HETTIE QUIN KNEW she was lucky to be there, at the docks of Belfast, assisting with the elephant's arrival.  One of the other zookeepers had come down with a fever, and Ferris Poole had enlisted her help at the last minute. As she stood next to Ferris, at the edge of the crowd, Hettie steadied herself after having sprinted down the docks from the nearby tram stop; her mother had made her tardy by requesting multiple chores around the house before Hettie managed to slip out the door.  As she pushed sweaty strands of hair from her eyes,  she took in the stunning sight overhead--a young elephant being maneuvered through the air.  A crane and a system of cranes and pulleys elevated the animal from the deck of the moored steamship. The elephant's trunk coiled up and then unfurled like an opening fist. There was a hollow trumpet call. The crowd--women, men, children, sailors, dockworkers--let out a collective gasp, their gazes followed the orchestrated movements of the hoisting operation.  Hettie had never seen so many people at the docks:  It was as if British royalty or a famous screen actress were among the steamer's passengers arriving that morning.  The atmosphere felt festive, bright with expectation.

What do you think - read more or pass? This one is based on a true story!


  1. Yeah I liked this one! It's a good story. Hope you like it. And the elephant won me over easily.

  2. Oh yes, and I've seen some positive reviews as well. A true story with odd circumstances and an elephant!

    1. Yes, I'm thinking I will like it. I just started but like the audio's narrator.

  3. I'd like to read more about the story before I'd commit to the novel, but the book starts out well.

  4. I've heard and read a lot about this book. Everyone who has read it seems to like it. For some reason, the book's concept has just never grabbed me and I've never been tempted to read it.

    1. Well, I like the book and movie The Zookeeper's Wife so since this is based on a true story I wanted to try it.

  5. This has been on my wish list since it was released, too. I like the opening and will look for your review. Hope it's good on audio!

    1. The audio narrator is very good IMO. I just started it but it's good so far.

  6. I've heard a lot of buzz about this novel, so I'd keep reading. Hope you enjoy it!

  7. Sounds like a unique story! Thanks for sharing.

  8. This sounds like a great historical novel! I listened to the audio sample, which has a very good reader. Adding it to my list. Thanks, Diane!

  9. I'd give this one a try. It sounds really good.

    1. I thought it sounded good as well. I've only listened to 2 chapters but like the narrator.

  10. I'd definitely read more! This book is high on my TBR list. :D

    1. Th e reviews seem mixed but so far I think it is pretty good.

  11. I don't like zoos too much but dang, I think I'd have to read more!

    1. Yes, we are not a fan of zoos but, I do love elephants and animals.

  12. I'm interested but I'm going to need some assurances that the elephant comes through it all okay before I could read it! It does sound like a great read.

    1. I am told that the elephant does not die - I had asked that question.

  13. I liked this one a lot...and I can tell you for certain that the elephant did not die. :-)

    1. Oh...but not all the zoo animals are as lucky as the elephant.


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