Sunday, February 13, 2022

Book Reviews - To Paradise; Hanya Yanagihara and The End of Getting Lost; Robin Kirman

How was your week? I've had better for sure. I had a couple routine annual appointments and (1) turned into anything but routine - a call back, an ultrasound and now a biopsy tomorrow....positive vibes sent this way are appreciated.  So happy I read Wintering: The Power of Rest and Retreat in Difficult Times last week - it has helped.  It's snowing here today - very lightly with less than an inch right now - yesterday it was near 60 degrees and sunny; I'm happy warmer weather is around the corner.  Super Bowl tonight and the hub always loves that. I am not a huge football fan unless our teen is in it LOL but, it's alway fun to watch the commercials. Good luck to your team if they are competing this year.

On the reading front, except for Wintering, my reading week wasn't very satisfying.  I was so looking forward to Hanya Yanagihara's new book, To Paradise, after a (5) year wait since I read, A Little Life.  I loved that book and still think about it even though it left me feeling gutted at times and took me forever to find another quality read.  Her new book is 700 pp and after investing about 8 days, I was left scratching my head after I finished - the writing was really good but the story just wasn't for me.   I had another so so read as well, The End of Getting Lost, Robin Kirman and then a DNF called Valdimir by Julia May Jonas.  Here's a few thoughts on (2) of these.  I also have a review in the works (maybe tomorrow) for The Elephant of Belfast which  I liked.  Hoping this week is a better week.

To Paradise; Hanya Yanagihara
Doubleday and Penguin Random House Audio - 2022

To Paradise, is an unusual story which spans a period of 200 years!  At 700+ pages, it is divided into (3) books: Book 1 (1893), Book 2 in (2) parts (1993) and Book 3 in (5) parts 2093-2094. I enjoyed Book 1 and 2 but, Book 3 not so much.

In Book 1, it is (1893) New York and New York is a free state where same sex couples are free to marry.  David Bingham is a 28 year old man who lives with his wealthy grandfather Nathaniel and the servants in the Washington Square area of the city where he has led a life of privilege in this prominent banking family. His other siblings have already established their own lives so David spends most of his time with his grandfather and, part time teaching an art class at an orphanage.  It is here that David meets Edward Bishop. Edward is a music teacher at the orphanage/school and, David falls fast in love with Edward.  Edward is not a man of social status and David's grandfather has other plans for him. He plans an arranged marriage for David to Charles Griffith, a once married much older man with a respectable background whose same sexed husband died of cancer.  Then we get a vibe of a possible yet undisclosed illness?

In Book 2 (1993) David is working as a paralegal in Hawaii and, he is involved with a senior partner named Charles.....yes same names as book 1 -- hmm. The two move into a mansion and we learn that David's origins seem to stem from Hawaiian royalty. We also learn that David's father (Wika) is ill and it is the height of the AIDS epidemic. There is also another Edward in this part - why did the author choose to use the same names?  Perhaps making us think that history does repeat itself. This part takes a darker turn where we see the injustice of America's past. 

Book 3 (2093) is divided into (5) parts - Autumn 2093, Autumn (50 years earlier), Winter 2094, Winter 40 years earlier and Spring 2094. The story here moves into a full blown dystopian totalitarian world. Back in New York where districts are divided into zones and illness and plague is rampant. Charlie appears here as well but, this time she is a female and she works in a laboratory. It's all somewhat complicated and at times just a bit too much for me.  It was not the satisfying wrap up or the kind of story I was hoping and I was disappointed I didn't enjoy it more.

This author is no doubt talented and a deep thinker and while the story itself is expansive in scope, IMO, Too Paradise, is more likely the kind of book that may appeal to fewer readers than all who enjoyed, A Little Life so much. 

This was a combo read/listen for me. The eGalley was provided by Doubleday and NetGalley in exchange for my unbiased review. The audio download was provided by PRH Audio and was excellent with a full cast:  Feodor ChinEdoardo BalleriniBd WongCatherine HoKurt Kanazawa .

Rating - 3.5/5

Simon & Schuster Audio - 2022

Gina is a young woman who was a professional dancer. She had suffered a head injury after a fall outside a hotel in Berlin and her memory of what happened then as well as months before is an issue.  She and Duncan, a composer, seem very much in love. He wants to take her away to Vienna to begin enjoying life once again but, something about his secretiveness and the way he has been acting seems off.  They are soon all over Europe - Vienna, Prague, Rome  almost as if Duncan is trying to run from something of someone. The truth is both Gina and Duncan have secrets.  

The story takes place in 1996, a time before cellphones and social media so the set up for this story works well.  I liked that the story is told from the POV of both characters who I didn't develop a connection to. The writing style seemed different with looks back and then present but, with not a lot of insight into what was going on until around the halfway point.  This book was compared to Patricia Highsmith but, I just never saw a similarity. For me it did not feel like a psychological thriller but, more like a romantic suspense.  This was a rather quick read/listen at under 300 pp and 8+ hours on audio. The audio version was read by dual narrators - Alex Allwine and Michael David Axtell  both very good but,  it wasn't the kind of psych thriller I had hoped for .

Rating - 3.5/5

Print edition and Audio download provided by the publisher: Simon & Schuster in exchange for my unbiased review.


  1. Sending prayers and all sorts of positive vibes for your biopsy tomorrow. At least reading Wintering was good timing and I'm glad you found it helpful. I plan to read it, too.

    Very disappointing about your other books though. Have heard similar reports about both To Paradise and Vladimir... will pass on both at this point. Take care, Diane.

    1. Thanks JoAnn - I appreciate you positive vibes and prayers. When I read the overview on To Paradise, it really didn't sound like a me kind of story but, I had to read it since I liked everything by her up to that point. Oh well, not every book can be a winner for us.

  2. I'm sending good thoughts and prayers your way for your biopsy tomorrow. I'm glad that Wintering offered up some comforting thoughts during this time of waiting.

    I have A Little Life in both print and ebook formats, and I've heard nothing but wonderful thoughts about the story. However, all the praise is tempered with hearing that the story left many feeling gutted, and that's a deal breaker for me right now.

    1. Thank you Deb - I appreciate your thoughts and prayers - yes, you really need to be in a good frame of mind for A Little Life - but, oh my, what a story.

  3. I have To Paradise in my reading queue but I'm feeling quite ambivalent about it and even more so after reading your thoughts on it. I may push it back a bit and hope that I'm more in the mood for it later.

    It's distressing to be told you need a biopsy. You will be much in my thoughts as you face this challenge. I'm sending you my positive energy and hoping for the very best outcome.

    1. Thank you Dorothy - it's funny how life goes along so smoothly and then we are thrown a curveball at one time or another. I appreciate the positive vibes. You may love To Paradise, it just wasn't for me even though the first 50+% was very good.

  4. I am glad you enjoyed Wintering. I have not read it yet, but would like to.

    I'm sorry you've had a difficult week and am praying you will get positive news.

    Have a good week!

  5. Good vibes coming your way. Not nice to have that worry sitting in the back of your mind. You take care.

    Some people seem to have loved To Paradise and some feel like you. Was watching a vlog last night where the person was quite annoyed at the time she felt she'd wasted reading it but had been determined to get to the end. Honestly, I don't think I'll be bothering.

    1. Thank you Cath. I did enjoy Books 1 and 2 - but, Book 3 which was nearly 1/2 the book was a bit too far out there for me.

  6. Thank you Vicki, I appreciate the prayers. My reading is happening and it hasn't been a bad month but, except for the last few.

  7. Good luck with the biopsy tomorrow! Sending prayers and good wishes your way.

  8. I hope the biopsy goes well, Diane. Sending positive vibes your way. Your weather is certainly all over the place. We're going through a little "heat wave" at the moment. I am loving the 80 degree weather. It's supposed to rain later this week. I am sorry your reading hasn't been better as of late. I have heard mixed things about To Paradise and doubt I will ever pick it up. I hope you have a great reading week, Diane, and get good news about the biopsy.

    1. Thanks for the well wishes Wendy and I envy your weather. I can see our temps warming again later this week - spring will be here soon.

  9. We're all sending love, hugs, prayers and good vibes your way. Your friends are all here for your support.

  10. Oh, Diane. I'm so sorry you are having health issues! I'll keep you in my thoughts in the coming days and hope all goes well with your biopsy.

    Your weather sounds a little like ours. We were in the mid-60s yesterday and it really felt like summer around here. Lots of tourists in town from the valley (Portland areas) enjoying the beautiful day. Today it's cold (mid-40s) and very gloomy. Our weather in February is always so fickle.

    I have the audio of To Paradise, but I think I'll hold off and make time for A Little Life. It's been on my shelf for a long time. Maybe that will be my main focus in March. It's certainly long enough!

  11. Thanks Les:) I'd read A Little Life first; I'll be curious to read your thoughts. The audio of To Paradise is excellent - it was the story itself that felt more challenging that enjoyable, although I did enjoy the first half quite a bit.

  12. A Little Life was a stunning book so I was worried about reading the follow up. Bummer that it isn't as good.

    I am not sure what type of appontment went less well for you, but last year I had a mammogram, ultrasound and biopsy and all was ok. Whew! I hope yours goes well tomorrow!

    1. Yes this is nothing like A Little Life and I did enjoy the first 2 books of To Paradise but, it wasn't enough. Thanks for the well wishes.

  13. Nothing but good vibes and prayers for your biopsy tomorrow!!!!!

  14. Diane, I'm sorry about the health issues. Hope all goes well as you have further testing and will definitely keep you in my thoughts and prayers. My reading has been slow and I've been extra busy lately. I have found that I seem to have hit a wall with reading some of the 'domestic' thrillers that had been on my lists. Taking a break from them to go back to some more traditional mysteries and catching up on a few series that I'm a bit behind. Our weather has been up and down as well. A couple of days in the 70's and then an ice storm and then back to the 60's after it taking forever for the ice to melt. Spring needs to come soon!!!

    1. Thanks Kay:) I appreciate the positive thoughts and prayers. I need to abandon more books that aren't working - we have so many choices these days. Looking forward to spring as well. Today it was only 19 and windy when I ent to the hospital - brrrr

  15. Diane, I'm sending good thoughts and prayers your way. I hope all news is good.
    BTW, I found out something changed and I'm able to comment on blogspot blogs! I had a software update over the weekend so maybe that did the trick??? At any rate, you're in my thoughts.

    1. Oh thank you Mary, I appreciate that and glad your issues with blogs like mine seem to be working better.

  16. Just dropped off some more hugs, thinking of you.

  17. I'm sending all the prayers and positive vibes and virtual hugs I can. I hope you get good answers quickly. I am glad you read Wintering. It's funny how the right books sometimes find us at just the right time. Thinking of you.

  18. Diane - sending you positive vibes and hoping your biopsy comes back negative & fine. Will be thinking of you. I think I plan to skip the To Paradise novel ... just too complicated (and long) for me these days and the ending doesn't sound good either. I'm impressed you got thru it. take care.

    1. Thank you Susan. Yes, for me that last 3/3 of To Paradise was a struggle.

  19. I'm so behind! I hope the biopsy came back with good news.



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