Friday, February 4, 2022

January Reading Wrap Up and February Reading Plans

Can you believe January is a thing of the past? How did the first month of 2022 go for you?   We survived the cold weather, the bomb cyclone and hunkering indoors for much of the month.  I did go back to yoga mid-month -- I needed to chat with other women and my body appreciated it as well. Our class size has dropped from about 25 to about 14-17 and it's a huge room so I'm not overly concerned.  Although the Covid cases are declining in our area, I tried making an appointment for a haircut but, just found out my stylist has Covid:( --so not sure when that haircut will happen. Hey is anyone playing WORDLE? I'm hoping now that the NY Times has purchased it - they don't screw it up.  I love this daily feature which is not a time waster since you can only play one time a day. I'm on a roll and although I haven't guessed the word on the first try yet (been playing 2 weeks), I have guessed it several times on the second try. Try it - it's fun.

Now on to my favorite subject - books:

January Reading - 14 books

Some of you might recall, I started January by coming up with a list of (12) books I hoped to read during the month - ( I read 8/12) plus (6 other books that called my name). This plan worked quite well for me and most every book was one I was happy I tried.  I love having a plan  - do you?

January Reads
  1.  Honor; Thrity Umrigar - 4/5 stars
  2. Abide with Me; Elizabeth Strout - 4.5/5 stars - a favorite
  3. Amy and Isabelle; Elizabeth Strout - 4/5 stars
  4. Winter Solstice; Rosamunde Pilcher - 5/5 stars - a favorite
  5. The Maid; Nita Prose - 4.5/5 stars - a favorite
  6. After: A Doctor Explores What Near-Death Experiences Reveal About Life and Beyond; Bruce Greyson, M.D. - 4/5 stars (NF)
  7. Joan is Okay; Weike Wang - 4/5 stars
  8. Mala's Cat; Mala Kacenberg - 5/5 stars (NF) - a favorite
  9. Mouth to Mouth; Antoine Wilson - 4/5 stars
  10. Ladder of the Years; Anne Tyler - 4.5/5 stars - a favorite
  11. The School for Good Mothers; Jessamine Chan - 3.5/5 stars
  12. In Five Years; Rebecca Serle - 3/5 stars
  13. The Lincoln Highway; Amor Towles - 4.5/5 stars - a favorite
  14. One Step Too Far; Lisa Gardner - 4.5/5 stars - a favorite
My wishful thinking read list for February  ** (will be updating throughout the month)
  1. To Paradise; Hanya Yanagihara (combo eBook & audio) - 3.5/5 stars (from January list)
  2. The Wintering: The Power of Rest & Retreat in Difficult Times; Katherine May  (January list) - 5/5 stars
  3. The Elephant of Belfast; S. Kirk Walsh (January list) - 4/5 stars
  4. Greenwich Park; Katherine Faulkner (January List)
  5. The Heights; Louise Candlish (ARC) - 4/5 stars
  6. The Swimmers; Julie Otsuka - 5/5 stars
  7. The Paris Apartment; Lucy Foley - in progress
  8. The Authenticity Project; Clare Pooley (Feb. book group read) - 4/5 stars
  9. A Town Called Solace; Mary Larson - 5/5 stars
  10. Very Cold People; Sarah Manguso 
  11. Talking to the Dead; Helen Dunmore (my shelves)
  12. Xstabeth; David Keenan
  13. The Overnight Guest; Heather Gudenkauf
  14. These Silent Woods - K. Cunningham-Grant -  4.5/5 stars
  15. Vladimir; Julia May Jonas - DNF
  16. The End of Getting Lost; Robin Kirman - 3.5/5
** I'd also like to read a few new children's books that arrived as well.

Hope everyone has a great February. Did you have any outstanding reads last month?


  1. Yes, I play Wordle! Love it. I've had a couple of twos but have more fours than anything else. The NY Times have said it will remain free. Hope they mean that.

    I'll definitely read Winter Solstice this year. I have 'After' on my library pile now after you reviewed it, was delighted when I found they had it. If you get to Wintering I'll be very interested in what you think.

    1. Glad you like Wordle fun! Winter Solstice was a gem, I can't believe it took me 20 years to try it. I bought Shell Seekers for when the weather warms up - if ever:)

  2. I'm glad January is over with! It's my least favorite month. At least you read a lot of really good books last month, and you have so many more on your list for February. That's always a good thing. Have a great weekend...and happy reading! :D

    1. January is always a rather depressing month so I was happy I fared well. Unfortunately when I hit a book that isn't working well, it tends to through me off my routines.

  3. You sure had lots of good ones in January!

    1. Yes, I was pleased with my January picks. Good start for 2022.

  4. I love Wordle. Play it every day. I see several titles on your lists that are either recent reads of mine or are on my list of ones I hope to read in the near future. There are so many good books out there now it is a bit overwhelming.

    1. Glad you love Wordle as well - what's not to like - stimulates our brain and doesn't take much time. YES, there are way too many new releases I want to read in 2022 - curious about what's on your list!

  5. The Maid is on my list! Great job for January and good luck with February!

  6. I started back to yoga just before the holidays and then I stopped when Covid cases went crazy here. Now I'm thinking about trying it again.

    I'm hoping to read The Swimmers by Julie Otsuka and The Paris Apartment by Lucy Foley this month. We'll see.

    You certainly had a fabulous January!

    1. Yoga is so good for us it's too bad COVID makes it seem risky at times. Others may think I'm crazy but, when others get too close to speak to me, I back up without apology:) Hope Swimmers and Paris Apartment don't disappoint us.

    2. I just made an appointment for the Y yoga class for Friday. Fingers crossed!

  7. I'm glad you are back to yoga. It's been two years since I've practiced, but I'm back on my Peloton and walking almost every day, so I don't feel too lazy. Just need to make time to stretch more!

    I started playing Wordle last week and am addicted! It's probably a good thing there's only one game a day or I'd waste hours playing instead of reading. I've never guessed the word on the first try (maybe that would be possible if they provided a hint/clue), but I did get yesterday's in two guesses. I was amazed!

    You have several books on your January list that I plan to read later this year. Glad so many were winners. I like having a plan, too. I usually have one for book club, one of Deborah Crombie's mysteries, one from my top shelf (books that everyone read/raved about last year), one ARC from years ago, one from my backlist shelf, to name just a few. I'm also trying to listen to the audiobooks that have been in my library the longest.

    I finally posted my monthly summary today. My favorites were Winter Solstice and Taste.

  8. Glad you are enjoying Wordle - so fun. We haven't been walking because it's been too windy/cold or slippery so, that is why yoga is so important to me. Off to check out your month.

  9. Vicki, don't feel bad - lately reviewing takes the fun out of reading for me.

  10. You are off to a great start for 2022 reading, and February is already stacking up nicely for you. I've really got to look into both those Strout titles you listed because she has never once disappointed me. I'm looking forward to the new Anne Tyler novel, too, because she's another old favorite of mine and I've already read everything else she's published. She's a real treasure.

    I do play Wordle, too, but have mostly disappointed myself in the 20 days I've played it. I've only failed to solve one of the puzzles, but have gone to the fifth layer more times than I thought I would. Never have gotten it in one, but have managed to get it done in two tries a few times. It's fun...and I hope the NYT people don't mess it all up. They bought it to make a profit, so I expect the worst.

    1. Sam, I don't think you will be disappointed if you decide to read read Strouts earlier 2 books. She is a gem. So looking forward to Tyler's new one as well but, I also need to read several more of her earlier books. As for Wordle, I almost thought I wouldn't get today's word but finally got it on #5. Have a good week and hope you are doing well.

  11. Great list. I like being able to see the two months laid out like this. And it's so great that you had so many highly ranked books in Janaury!

    1. Helen, I like the planning part ahead of time as well, The ones I don't read in January, I added to my February list but, if I don't read them this month, I'll probably backlist them for a bit. Have you noticed that there are so many new books calling your name in 2022? LOL I said I would not be as drawn to new books in 2022 --I lied.

  12. I love playing Wordle and my teenage son does as well :) I have guessed it a few times on the 2nd time, but I am mostly 4's as well. You had lots of great reading in January, I hope you do in February as well.

    1. Cindy, today was tougher Wordle day for me but I got it on #5. Hope February is a good month for you as well.

  13. I'm glad to see January go- closer to spring. :)

    I should try Wordle...

    1. Greg, I know what you mean - January and February are rather depressing months if you live in colder areas. Wordle is very fun - first thing I do while drinking my morning coffee.

  14. I am playing Wordle. I like that it is only one game so it can;t be a time suck but I also don't like that if you miss a game you can't go back.

    1. By the way everyone, there is a Wordle Archive, which has all the games from the beginning to the present that you can try playing.

    2. Yes, I missed a few games I forgot to play at the very beginning too.

  15. You have read many good books! The Maid and the Lincoln Highway are stuck waiting for me at the closed, for now, libraries.

    1. Harvee - thank you for the info on the Wordle archive. I will check it out. I hope you will enjoy both The Maid and Lincoln Highway - I was pleased with both.

  16. You read a lot of books in January. Hope you read as many in February.

  17. January did offer a lot of setbacks for a lot of people, and February has started in an even more challenging way where the big storm hit hard. I hope you enjoy all your reading and word games -- I feel like wordle peaked before I ever got there.

    best ... mae at

    1. DON'T feel bad, I found out about Wordle late as I'm not into social media except for IG. Hope you have a good month.

  18. Your reading year is off to a great start! As usual, there are several books I've enjoyed, too. Quite a few on your February list I'd like to try, too. The only one I've read so far is A Town Called Solace, but I loved it and want to read everything else Mary Lawson has written.

    So glad you have been able to return to yoga. Still no group classes for me down here (no masks or vaccination requirements) but at least the weather is nice for walking and biking. Hope to go back to the rec center eventually...

    1. JoAnn, I checked and have read and enjoyed ALL that Mary Lawson has written except her most recent. I'm so happy you shred your post about A Town Called Solace. Hope February is a good month for you.

  19. Great job for reading in January and wonderful that you were able to go back to yoga! I know my body very much appreciates it when I practice regularly. I haven't looked too closely at Wordle. I'm afraid I'd get too obsessed with it! Happy February!

    1. Katherine - Wordle takes about 5 min of my time each day. Definitely not a time waster as you can only guess the one word of the day. Hope your February is good as well.

  20. Wow you had a good January of reading. I'm impressed as usual. And it's nice you got back with your yoga. Excellent. I haven't tried Wordle yet ... but plan to when things settle down. I have read the Kirman novel. It gets a little zany right? cheers.

    1. Susan, can't say I was a huge fan of the Kirman novel...I hoped I'd love it.

  21. Have you been able to get your hair cut? I still haven't managed to get mine cut. I am glad you were able to get back to your yoga class. My mom still attends her class via Zoom--it's based in her old hometown so she's taken advantage of the class still being virtual now that she lives here. I am glad you had such a great reading month! I hope your February has gotten off to a good start.

    1. Hi Wendy - my hair stylist is over COVID and back to work. I actually have an appointment on Friday, I hope I can keep it.


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