Wednesday, August 31, 2022

A couple catch up reviews - A History of Wild Places; Shea Ernshaw and Dark Matter; Blake Crouch


Simon & Schuster Audio - 2021
(5) different narrators including Cassadra Campbell - very good)
(11 hours - 59 minutes)

Travis Wren has a talent for helping the police find missing persons. Hanging out in places the missing have frequented, holding on to a piece of clothing or possession of the missing has been helpful in giving Travis a feel for what went on in the person's life when they went missing.  Unfortunately, Travis is still haunted by the fact that he was not able to prevent his own sister from taking her own life.

Travis was hired by the family of Maggie St. James, a children's author known for her darker stories. Maggie has been missing for (5) years. Travis travels to Pastoral, a commune community led by a man named Levi who isn't welcoming to outsiders. In addition to Levi, there is a married couple name Theo and Callie and Callie's blind sister, Bee, who is in love with Levi. Bee has a keen sense of observation as a blind person.  So when Travis appears to have gone missing as well, I was drawn into the cult-like mystery anxious to uncover the darker side of this commune.

This is book that my husband and I started out enjoying but, then the story turned in a darker fairy tale like storyline that left me puzzle and I didn't figure out.  I did find it difficult to connect with any of the character except perhaps Bee. This was definitely not the type of book I'm drawn to but thought it was well written, descriptive and atmospheric. I wasn't a fan of the paranormal aspects of the story.

Rating - 3.5/5 stars

(Note: This audiobook download was made available by the publisher in exchange for my unbiasaed review.

Dark Matter; Blake Crouch
Penguin Random House Audio - 2016
Narrated by Jon Lindstrom- very good
(10 hours - 8 minutes)

Dark Matter is my book group's pick for September and, it's one of those books that I would have been  unlikely to have picked up on my own but, I am so happy that I tried it; a riveting story.

As the story opens we meet Jason Dessen, a devoted family man and college professor. His wife Daniela is the love of his life as is his teenaged son Charlie.  Thursday evenings are family night where the family gathers around the kitchen preparing a meal together while catching up on their week.   Since the meal would not be ready for a while, Daniela convinces Jason to run out to congratulate an accomplished former associate who has just been given a prestigious award.   When Jason fails to return home when expected, no one could have predicted how his life would be turned upside down.  Jason is abducted, drugged and wakes up in a life totally different from the one he knew having him question everything he knew to be true.

What follows is a foreboding SF thriller, but one that is not too heavy in effects for readers like me who generally shy away from that genre.  It is a fast paced, addictive story with a theme that explores ambition, past decisions, what constitutes happiness and the road not taken.  Told from Jason's POV,  his character is well-explored and one I found easy to feel for.  His wife and son's character could have been explored more deeply.  This was an easy story to get pulled into from the very beginning, I had to pace myself and I can't wait to discuss this one in a few weeks with my group. Highly recommended.

Rating - 4.5/5 stars (library download)


  1. The second one sounds really good. The first one sounded like a great plot, too bad it bottomed out.

  2. Yes, I had high hopes for the first one but, in the end it wasn't really for me. Dark Matter was excellent though from beginning to end.

  3. I've got Dark Matter on my TBR list, so I'm glad to hear you liked that one. I think it sounds like a fun read. Sorry the other book didn't quite work for you.

  4. I suspect that you will enjoy Dark Matter - hope so.

  5. I've seen a lot of comment about "Dark Matter," most of it quite positive, so you are definitely in the majority there. I expect to read it at some point, although my TBR list is already so long and unmanageable that it is hard to say just when that might be.

    1. I know what you mean about the TBR list growing and growing thanks to so many wonderful bloggers -- thank you Dorothy - yu are definitely one of them. I think you will love Dark Matter, it hooks you immediately. I never expected to enjoy it as much as I did. I will be adding other books by this author.

  6. I loved this book! (Reviewed here) I'll bet the audio was great.

  7. Dark Matter was really different for me but, in such a good way. Hard to stop once you begin. Jason is a likable character as well.

  8. Replies
    1. Love that we both rated it 4.5/5 stars and you read it in 2016 when it was released. I didn't find it at all disturbing but, all those Jasons - wow

  9. Great book reviews! I think that cover for A History of Wild Places is so eerie and makes me want to pick up the book. I don't mind some supernatural aspects but I think when it's not what you were expecting that it feels like it doesn't belong. Dark Matter is a book I keep hearing great things about!

    1. You may like A History of Wild Place, it just threw my off when it took and unexpected turn. Dark Matter on the other hand was also not what I expected but it WOWed me. So we can never tell.

  10. my husband has the blake crouch book but now I want to read it!

  11. Dark Matter turned me on to this author and a genre I generally shy away from; I hope you will enjoy it. I plan to read more by this author.

  12. What an interesting premise! I think we all wonder "what if" but this book actually explores it. Cool!

  13. That's too bad about A History of Wild Places. It sounds fascinating but I think I would be too dark for me. Dark Matter is on my TBR though it isn't a genre I typically read.

    1. I also thought Dark Matter wasn't a book I could enjoy but, I was quickly consumed by the story. Well written.

  14. I read Dark Matter a while back - maybe 3 or 4 years ago. Anyway, I liked it a lot. Glad it worked well for you too, Diane!

    1. Glad you liked Dark Matter when you read it Kay. It's my book group pick for later in the month and a few of my friends are having a probablem getting into it as it is very different from our usual reads -- historical, contemporary and and some NF mostly. Most of us ladies are seniors.


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