Thursday, August 11, 2022

Book Review - Godspeed; Nickolas Butler

Godspeed; Nickolas Butler
G.P. Putnam - 2021

Long time friends, Bart, Cole and Teddy, three blue-collar guys have formed a home renovation and construction partnership in the Jackson, Wyoming area.  To date the threesome has mostly focused on renovations and smaller jobs but an opportunity to prove themselves in the luxury home building market presents itself when they are offered an opportunity of a lifetime. A workaholic San Francisco lawyer named Gretchen, a woman with plenty of money at her disposal offers the men the job promising big dollars and multiple six figure bonuses as well. It all has strings attached as the multi million dollar house far off the beaten path, complete with stream, spring and the most stunning views must be completed in four months - by Christmas.  

Almost from the start there is an ominous tone to this story, as a former contractor died on the property. It soon becomes clear that all of the pressure to complete the home on time as winter approaches will not go smoothly for Bart, Cole and Teddy.  I haven't read many books over the years about male friendships and this author does a great job showcasing just how much these three guys care about each other.  I loved how flawed they were and that I was able to still care about them.

Godspeed was crime drama and cautionary tale, it was a one of those books that had me quickly invested in the story - I hated to put it down. Not only was the writing beautiful, it was a compelling story of about male friendships. I do wish that Gretchen's character was more deeply explored - it wasn't until almost the 60% point that we begin to learn more about her - I wanted more.  The story also had a gorgeous setting and it is not just the setting that is beautifully described, it's everything - yes, again, gorgeous prose.  This is my second read by this author, Shotgun Lovesongs was my first - very good as well. Now to catch up on few books that Butler has written in between, a talented writer. If you a looking for something a bit different, slower paced (in a good way) give this one a try.   

I won this trade paperback from a Goodreads Giveaway.

Rating - 4.5/5 stars


  1. Once again you have introduced me to an author I've never read. This one does sound good and unusual in that it focuses on male friendships.

    1. Isn't it amazing that there are so many authors that we haven't tried, I think you might like this one Dorothy. Butler has written (4) books: Shotgun Lovesongs was his debut and this is #4 - not series books. I plan to read #2 and 3 eventually as well. Strong male characters.

  2. Glad you enjoyed Shotgun Lovesongs. I plan to read (2) more books Butler wrote after that one and before Godspeed now.

  3. I like the sound of this a lot, Diane! And Wyoming? What's not to like?

    1. The setting was dramatic and the story of male friendships was one I haven't experienced in fiction in a very long while.

  4. Adding this to my TBR! The setting and premise sound compelling and what a gorgeous setting! I also love that it focuses on male friendships. I don't feel like I come across that very often in the books I read.

  5. The setting was great a was learning about the lives of personalities of the (3) male friends. Happy I read this and hope to read (2) other books that were published previously by the author as well.

  6. I haven't heard of this one before, but it sounds really good. You're right, we don't read much about male friendships so this would be a nice change.

    1. Very different and a bit of a crime/dark element was a nice change as well.

  7. I've never read anything by the author, but I think this book seem right up my alley. Love the title and the cover and now after your review, this one is going to my TBR.

    Hope you had a wonderful weekend and will have a good week ahead!

    1. Oh good; I love when I can entice another reader tp try something different and, when I have the same experience reading the reviews of others.


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