Friday, August 5, 2022

Book Review - a winner - Metropolis; B.A. Shapiro

Metropolis; B.A. Shapiro
Algonquin Books - 2022
(ARC sent to me by the publisher)

Metropolis, is a grand, five-level storage facility located in Cambridge, MA near MIT.  As the story opens we know that there has been a 911 call for an accident involving an individual who has fallen into the elevator shaft. The building is in foreclosure and the the young owner, Zach has a company auctioning the contents of the unclaimed units to recoup some money given the potential of a gigantic lawsuit.

As the story progresses the reader gets to know more about six of the individuals who have ties to the storage facility and who have been using the facility for purposes other than short/long term storage.  Most of the characters are dealing with difficult circumstances and I found some of their stories quite moving.  In addition to Zach, who attended Ivy league schools and dealt drugs, we have Rose, the manager of the facility who has several issues on the home front and, she has used her job as manager of the facility as a way to get extra cash by breaking a few of the rules and allowing renters to use their units for purposes other than storing things.  There is Marta, a grad student working on her dissertation who is also trying to stay under the radar and to avoid ICE agents finding her as she has outstayed her visa.  Liddy is a mother of twins who attend a boarding school in Switzerland. She is married to a wealthy, powerful man and is in an abusive situation but, he refuses to let her leave him.  Jason is an attorney who saw the wrong his law firm had done and ventured out on his own even if it meant an uncertain future for him.  Serge is another character who works in a restaurant but is a brilliant street photographer, he makes a deal with Rose to access other rented units for the purposes of taking pictures of the contents.

This is a story that I really enjoyed, it's a bit of mystery and the characters are ones I grew to care about.  I liked the unusual setting, a high end storage facility and learning about the motivations of the individuals using the facility. I liked the way the author had wrapped up this story as well - very satisfying. I loved the author's writing style and I now plan to read a a previous book by this author called: The Art Forger. If you are looking for something different and satisfying - try this book.

RATING - 4.5/5 stars


  1. This sounds like something to keep in mind for when I need a change of pace! Thanks, Diane.

    1. I really enjoyed the writing and how the lives of the characters interescted.

  2. I saw this book on Goodreads and wondered if it was any good. I'm definitely intrigued by the storage facility setting and how these characters' lives kind of intersect there. Glad to know you liked this one so much. :D

    1. Lark, this was an unexpected surprise. I think you might enjoy it.

  3. I remember hearing about The Art Forger, but never read it or this one. Sounds good, though!

    1. This was really good and The Art Forger has very good reviews as well.

  4. I've never read anything by B.A Shapiro, but think I need to. This sounds like a really good read and I will probably enjoy this one as well. Somehow it reminds me a bit of Anxious People by Fredrik Backman.

    Have a good weekend Diane!

    1. Anxious People is a good analogy but, this book doesn't feel whacky at all, which, I thought at times, Anxious People had that vibe.

  5. A story set in a storage facility? Yes, that definitely sounds different! It's great that you enjoyed it so much. Maybe another one I need to add to my growing list...

  6. This was an unexpected treat. I do love novels where lives intersect - doormen and the the residents of large apartment buildings, hotels etc.

  7. That really is an unusual setting but it does sound really good!

    1. Yes, I think it was that "unusual' setting that really made this one work.

  8. Sounds very good - great this has you interested in reading another book by the author. Wonderful review.

    1. Thanks Sara - it was a good story that pulled me along and, when you have several characters you care about - even better.

  9. It's funny Vicki how sometimes it just takes a special book to get us reading again. For me it is usually a good memoir when I'm in a slump.

  10. Hi Diane,
    After a day or two of reading your post about Metropolis, I just had to reply. As you may or may not know Ken and I lived in suburban Boston until December 2005. Prior to that, I was working as a writer of nonfiction history. But, on the side, I was in a private novel-writing group, and one of the members was B.A. Shapiro. At that time she was in a lull--she had published at least three novels in the past, but had not published one in years. She worked harder and more doggedly than anyone in our group. She wrote novel after novel, and never flagged, never gave up. And then, a couple of years after we moved to the Adirondacks, and I was no longer in that circle, I saw the announcement of the publication of The Art Forger, and I was so over the top with jubilation for her. I called her and rejoiced with her by phone. Out of everyone I knew who wrote fiction in Boston during that time, she deserved the success the most. She worked so hard, and I think that that is what many people don't recognize enough about successful writers of novels. How much belief they have to have in their work, how hard they work, going through draft after draft, revising and revising. She was also incredibly generous to me, as I worked on a major work of history during the time I was in the group. She helped me so much with some time management issues I was having. Nuts and bolts kind of help, that I desperately needed. An incredible person, incredible author.

  11. Judith - yes, I recall that you has lived outside of Boston but, what a fascinating story about your group and BA Shapiro. How generous of her, with all she had on her plate to still have time to help you and likely others in the group as well. I really enjoyed her writing style and I can't wait to try The Art Forger which has received very good reviews.

  12. I think a storage facility as backdrop offers up a whole bunch of possibilities for nefarious activities!

  13. It sounds a very intriguing backdrop for the story.

  14. The premise sounds intriguing! Adding it onto my wishlist. :)

  15. I just loved the story; hope you will as well.


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