Saturday, January 21, 2012

Saturday Snapshot

Saturday Snapshot is hosted by Alyce @ AT Home With Books.

Photos can be old or new, and be of any subject as long as they are clean and appropriate for all eyes to see. How much detail you give in the caption is entirely up to you. Please don't post random photos that you find online.

This isn't a great scan, but the photo is of my parents wedding in September of 1940.  My mother's oldest sister is to the right of her.  Both of my parents died in the late 80's at the ages of 69 and 72, but my mom's oldest sister lived to be 97 and just passed away in 2010.

I was one of those surprise babies who arrived 9 and 11 years after my (2) brothers. Sadly, they too have also passed away way too young (both in were their 60's).


  1. Diane, this picture is just beautiful. What a lovely dress your mother was wearing and her I know you and I have talked about losing our mothers and how hard it was. Thanks for sharing this with us.

    1. Kay, I actually wanted to wear her wedding gown for my first wedding. I tried it on and it fit well, except that I was several inches taller than her so it was too short.

  2. I absolutely LOVED this photo!! I wish I had family wedding photos but no one in my family ever had elaborate weddings...simply gorgeous and a real treasure!

    1. My father was one of 14 children and my mother one of 5 so they had a big wedding just because of family...LOL

  3. I don't think I've ever seen an old wedding photo (from the 40's back) with the entire wedding party. Beautiful!

  4. Thanks Annie. We don't have many old photos, but this one is one of several we found done by a professional photgrapher.

  5. What a gorgeous photo! I hope you have it framed somewhere in your home.

    1. Thanks Kathy. I actually don't have this one framed, but do have one of just my parents on their wedding day.

  6. Oh, I do love these old photos...and this one reminds me of my parents' wedding day (in 1935). I'm going to have to scan theirs...and my grandparents', which is one of those from around the turn of the last century.

    Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

  7. What a wonderful photograph, you've got me thinking about what I am going to post today...

  8. Wonderful photograph. Now you've got me thinking about which photo I am going to post today!

  9. I look at this beautiful wedding picture and am reminded that I meant to scan some of my old family photos. Loved seeing this.

    1. Thanks Barbara, It's nice to look back on these from time to time.

  10. I think that is such a lovely photo; I always wanted my wedding bouquet to look like those from this era, so lush, and they never did. I can see what an elegant wedding it must have been.

    Also, it makes me sad about the loss of one's parents. Of course it's inevitable, and we trust we'll see each other again one day, but my parents are now 75 and 80. I can see how even though they're strong, they're more fragile than the year before.

    God bless you, Diane, in the memory of your family.

    1. Bellezza, What a touching comment; thank you so much. There was a time in my life that I couldn't bear the thought of losing my parents, especially my mom, feeling I wouldn't be able to make it without her, but I was 34 when she passed away and although it was tough, times heals us.

  11. What gorgeous long dresses they all have. I'm also amazed at the quality of the photo for 1940. Beautiful!

  12. I love these old photos. The dresses are beautiful and everyone looks so elegant, like a Hollywood set. I have a similar studio portrait from my parents wedding (same era) and I know I should scan them.

  13. Hi!
    Beautiful picture! Have a great day!

    Just Books

  14. What a treasure of a a photo to have! It's beautiful.

  15. Beautiful photo, Diane. Bittersweet, I'm sure, because they are all gone...

    Thank you for sharing.

  16. It is and beautiful photo, and I love the styles from back then!

    1. Thanks Alyce. Yes, the detail on the bridesmaids gowns and sizes of the floral arrangements have way more detail than today.

  17. Gorgeous photo, Diane! I have one of my parents wedding, but they've been divorced for almost 40 years. Wonder if they'd mind me posting a photo? ;)

    Your dad's parents almost had enough children for two baseball teams! Amazing.

    1. LOL; not sure Leslie. (My parents should have divorced, but instead argued and remained unhappy for 47 years!)

  18. Thanks Barbara, It's nice to look back on these from time to time.

  19. What a lovely photo. My parents had a very small wedding, while my father was on leave, so they don't have something this formal. It's really a lovely memento to have.

  20. Wow... what a beautiful picture to share!! Thx for hopping by my Snapshot!

  21. What a shot! Almost dramatic. The men look dashing the the women have such beautiful dresses. I love those pleats in their skirts. I wonder what the fabric is.

  22. What a treasure for you to have.

    Your blog is enticing to me. I'd gladly give up living among the deer to have a home by the sea.


  23. Weddings of yesteryears are so awesome. It looks so glamorous.

  24. What a priceless photo, Diane! I've been admiring all these Saturday Snapshots in several blogs. I'd love to join in too. What do I need to do? (WIthout knowing anything about it, I posted my photo on Twitter just now.)

  25. Beautiful photo, Diane. It looks like something out of a 1940s movie.

  26. Gosh, I love this! Weddings today just aren't what they used to be, you know? Everyone in that photo looks so beautiful and solemn, like they knew what a tremendous occasion it was. Great picture today!

    1. I was just thinking how serious or scared my parents look...LOL

  27. That is such a wonderful photo. I'm sure you treasure it greatly. Thanks for sharing.

  28. wow, what a beautiful photo! thank you for sharing it with us!

    1. Thanks Marie -- we were happy to have found it. previously I just had one of my parents.

  29. I love old wedding photos! I love the clothing styles and hair styles. Wonderful.

    1. Yes, all the hairstyles are the same. When I got married it was long, straight hair.

  30. Such a lovely photo....everyone looks so beautiful and they all look like love teh 1940 styles.

    I am so sorry everyone died so young in your family. I pray you take after the 97 year old aunt.

    Gayla in Wy

    1. Gayla, thanks for stopping by and uttering these kind words:)

  31. What a wonderful picture! Thanks for sharing!

  32. I love seeing photos like this!! Thank you for sharing this part of your past. I'm so sorry for you losing so many members of your family at such young ages.

    1. They don't make them like this anymore. Thanks for your kind words Jenners.

  33. Gorgeous photo. I love old family and wedding photos.

  34. What a beautiful photo, love it!

  35. What an eye-catching photos. So formal... lots of wedding picture are formal but not the way they were years ago. Just gorgeous!

  36. What a wonderful photo and what a neat thing to have.


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