Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Waiting on Wednesday - The Bartender's Tale; Ivan Doig

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine that spotlights upcoming releases that we are eagerly anticipating! Want to participate? Post your own WOW entry on your blog, and leave your link at Breaking the Spine. My pick is one that won't be released until August 2012.

August 21, 2012 (Riverhead Books)

Book Description:
From a great American storyteller, a one-of-a-kind father and his precocious son, rocked by a time of change.

Tom Harry has a streak of frost in his black pompadour and a venerable bar called The Medicine Lodge, the chief watering hole and last refuge of the town of Gros Ventre, in northern Montana. Tom also has a son named Rusty, an “accident between the sheets” whose mother deserted them both years ago.The pair make an odd kind of family, with the bar their true home, but they manage just fine.

Until the summer of 1960, that is, when Rusty  turns twelve. Change arrives with gale force, in the person of Proxy, a taxi dancer Tom knew back when, and her beatnik daughter, Francine. Is Francine, as Proxy claims, the unsuspected legacy of her and Tom’s past? Without a doubt she is an unsettling gust of the future, upending every certainty in Rusty’s life and generating a mist of passion and pretense that seems to obscure everyone’s vision but his own. As Rusty struggles to decipher the oddities of adult behavior and the mysteries build toward a reckoning, Ivan Doig wonderfully captures how the world becomes bigger and the past becomes more complex in the last moments of childhood.


  1. I love the sound of this one, Diane....the times, the setting, and the characters all have piqued my interest. I'm adding this one to my list!

    Here's MY WOW POST

  2. New to me! Thanks for putting it on my radar...and my TBR list!

  3. I'm not familiar with the author or the book but it sounds fabulous!

  4. Haven't heard of this one yet but it sounds like a good story. And a catchy title too.

  5. I end up adding so many books to my WishList due to this meme ;) Great choice!!

  6. I am now excited to give this a try. Thanks for the introduction. My WOW...

  7. As soon as I saw the setting was Montana you had me sold! There's something so mysterious about the state that makes it a great choice for novels. I haven't heard of the author before, but it sounds like an interesting read. Thanks for sharing!

  8. My mom and I listened to Doig's 'The Whistling Season' on the way to Wyoming a few years ago, and we loved it. I'm always surprised he isn't more well known by the reading public, because I think he's fantastic. Glad to hear he has something new coming out - thanks for the heads-up !

  9. I hadn't heard of this one, but I am unsure of reading it because I didn't enjoy Doig's last book. I might have to give this one a chance though, as it sounds very compelling. Great pick today!

  10. I've picked up one of Doig's books but never made time to get to it. I will have to wait and see what you think once you read it!!


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