Tuesday, March 26, 2019

First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros - My Life in a Cat House; True Tales of Love, Laughter, and Living with Five Felines, Gwen Cooper

Each Tuesday, Vicki, from I’d Rather Be At The Beach hosts First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros where  readers post the opening paragraph (sometime two) of a book that they are reading or plan to read. 

 Gwen Cooper - Ben Bella Books - 2018

I Choo-Choo Choose You!

"Pandora ('Pandy' for short) was a purebred Siamese and could only be described -- although this phrase wasn't in common use twenty years ago -- as a hot mess"

(At one time we had 5 cats, in fairness it was a pretty large home for 2 humans - now we just have 2, so naturally this sounded like a good and fun choice to me.)


  1. I don't usually read animal books because I typically wind up crying. I just added a 3rd cat and if I can get the outside stray to friendly up I'll have a 4th so maybe I should read this book. Thanks for stopping by Girl Who Reads.

  2. This one sounds like fun. Thanks for sharing, and for visiting my blog.

  3. Gwen is such a nice lady, we know this is a good one!

  4. We are currently cat-less, but I bet I could relate.

  5. Oh I love that beginning! A hot mess is not usually what I've heard a cat described as so I'm definitely curious.

  6. This sounds like a book about five fantastic felines!

  7. Sounds like a fun read. We had three cats once and that was enough. LOL

  8. Cats? Yes, I'm definitely in for this one. Sounds wonderful.

  9. Definitely sounds perfect for you!

  10. This does sound like lots and lots of fun!
    Which reminds me...is it time for some new photos of Lucy and Ricky???
    Just curious how they're doin'.


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