Tuesday, July 2, 2019

First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros - Ask Again, Yes; Mary Beth Keane

On Tuesday, Vicki, ( I’d Rather Be At The Beach hosts First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros where  readers post the opening paragraph (or 2 ) of a book they are reading or that they plan to read. 

Ask Again, Yes; Mary Beth Keane
Scribner - 2019

July 1973

"FRANCIS GLEASON, TALL AND thin in his powder blue policeman's uniform, stepped out of the sun and into the shadow of the stocky stone building that the station house of the Forty-First Precinct. A pair of pantyhose had been hung to dry on a fourth floor fire escape near 167th, and while he waited for another rookie, a cop named Stanhope. Francis noted the perfect stillness of those gossamer legs, the delicate curve where the heel was meant to be Another building had burned the night before and Francis figured it was now like so many others in the Four-One; nothing left but a hallowed-out shell and a blackened staircase within.  The neighborhood kids had all watched it burn from the roofs and fire escapes where they dragged their mattresses on that first truly hot day in June. Now, from a block away, Francis could hear them begging the firemen to leave just one hydrant open.  He could imagine them hopping back and forth as the pavement grew hot again under their feet."

I'm on chapter 9 and so far I must say it's wonderful. It's supposed to be one of the hottest books this summer. Would you read more or pass?


  1. I like it but that title sure dosn't give any hints.

  2. I tried to read it but I ended up dnfing it at about page 80. Some of my favorite book bloggers loved it but it just wasn't the right book for me.

  3. I've been seeing this book often. I'm on fence as to whether I want to read it or not.

  4. My book group is reading this for September.

  5. What's with the title though.

  6. I'm definitely planning to read this one after reading several glowing reviews!

  7. It seems like everyone is reading this.


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