Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Sunset Beach; Mary Kay Andrews

TITLE: Sunset Beach
AUTHOR:  Mary Kay Andrews
PUBLISHER:  Macmillan Audio
PUB. YEAR: 2019
FORMAT:  - audio/library
RATING - 4/5

I love having at least a few good beach reads every summer and this one fits the bill.

Drue Campbell is a young woman trying to find her place in the world.  Her parents were divorced when she was young and she hadn't seen her father, Brice, a personal injury attorney, in about 20 years. Now her mother has just died and it's at the funeral where father and daughter reconnect. It's awkward to say the least. To make matters worst, her father has remarried and his new wife, Wendy is someone Drue went to school with - the two never liked one another.

Drue has just learned that she has inherited her grandmother's run-down beach cottage on Sunset Beach (prime location), she's back in the area where her father and his new wife live and work.  When her father offers her a job at the law firm, she's hesitant, but needs the money.  It isn't easy having to report to Wendy but she tries to make the best of it it. 

 It's here on the job that Drue learns about an old buried case. An older black woman's daughter was murdered while working at a beach front hotel.  Now the woman is responsible for raising her granddaughter.  She has been screwed with the settlement and her father's firm had the case. Drue is determined to find out how this happened and, she hopes to make things right for this woman and her young granddaughter, even if it means exposing the ugly truth

This was such a pleasant surprise; the audio was very good as well; it's read by Kathleen McInerney.  It's got the beach setting, a good mystery, sympathetic characters, some humor and more.  There were also a few good sub plots built into the story as well. Try it if you are looking for a nice summer read.


  1. This sounds like a good summer read with lots of parts to it.

  2. I've been wanting to reading Mary Kay Andrews for ages and I really like the mystery element to this one. It sounds like it's a standalone? Definitely adding to my TBR!

  3. Hi Diane,
    I'm so happy to hear that you found this a pleasant beach read. I, too, like to stuff a few of these into my summer reading. I hope you're having some to time to "beach it." Are you? Best wishes!

    1. Yes, well have a some beach time in a week or so and did go to the Cape as well.

  4. It's not summer without an MKA book!

  5. I had never thought of a beach read that could be so fascinating!

  6. My sister is a huge fan of Andrews so when this arrived in my mailbox, I put it in her hands. Let's just say, she was not as big a fan of this one as you were. But she'll still pick up Andrews' next book!


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