Friday, December 13, 2019

(2) NF Reviews - Queen Meryl; Erin Carson and An Elephant in My Kitchen; Francoise Malby-Anthony-Anthony and Katja Willemsen

AUTHOR:  Erin Carlson
PUBLISHER: Hachette 
PUB. YEAR: 2019
FORMAT: print/library
RATING - 3.5/5

I'm a long time admirer of actress Meryl Streep and, because I enjoyed an earlier bio entitled, Her Again, I decided to try Queen Meryl as well.

This bio is all about her iconic career as well as her interactions with other performers along the way, like her run-ins with Jack Nicholson and Dustin Hoffman. The bio brought back fond memories of Streep in roles I adored. In addition to her 40+ year brilliant career in movies like: Silkwood, Julia Child, Sophie's Choice, the Deer Hunter, Bridges of Madison County, Kramer vs Kramer, Out of Africa etc., Streep has managed to maintain a no-drama persona and juggle marriage (40+ years) and motherhood (4 grown children) as well as her lending her voice of behalf of women's rights. 

There were some interesting illustrations, lists and other tidbits that I enjoyed. I thought the author did a decent job covering Streep's career, but, some parts were slow and caused me to skip forward.  Readers interested in a nice review of the Meryl's successful career should give this one a try.

AUTHOR:  Françoise Malby-Anthony with Katja Willlemsen
PUBLISHER: Sidgwick & Jackson
PUB. YEAR: 2019
SETTING: South Africa
FORMAT: print/library
RATING - 4.5/5

In 1998  Francoise and her husband Lawrence founded a game preserve in South Africa which they named Thula Thula.  Their mission was to help an elephant herd.  However, when Lawrence dies unexpectedly in 2012 she hardly had time to grieve as there were many gentle creatures who needed help.  When an orphaned baby found its way onto the property after its mother was killed for her ivory, Francoise decided to carry on the dream of her late husband by catering to orphaned babies: elephants, rhinos and hippos as well.

Some of this book was sad to read but, it was also insightful, funny at times and heart-warming.  A beautiful book that animal lover's who enjoy reuse stories should try.


  1. I lover Meryl. She is such a chameleon with her roles. She really becomes who she is playing. Plus, all her leading men! Wow.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Thank you for these excellent mini reviews. Both of these books appeal to me. Have a great weekend, Diane!

    2. She really was and is a one of a kind actress.

  3. Too bad, Meryl is such a great actor. Love the elephant, we're gonna need a bigger kitchen!

  4. I love Meryl, too, but think I'll be safe to skip that book. An Elephant in My Kitchen sounds right up my alley.

  5. Elephant in My Kitchen sounds like a book I would like. I am a decades long member of African Wildlife Foundation, a group that does great work, and I have a heart for the animals of Africa.

    1. African wildlife Assoc. is a great organization. I love elephants - such beautiful creatures.

  6. Those are two very different books, but both elephants and Meryl Streep are super interesting topics!

  7. I want to read the Streep biography. I am currently reading two biographies at once! I have yet to read a biography that does not have dull patches.

    1. Yes, sometimes with bios, I get the feeling that the editors did not do their jobs well.

  8. Hi Diane,
    I've kept an eye on the Streep book, and am thinking it would be best to borrow a print version, so if necessary, I can skim through any slow parts. How are you doing with these dark December days? I imagine planning for holidays with your grandchildren is keeping you busy.

    1. December is generally a sad month for me but, yes, the little ones make me perk up and get with the program. Have a lovely holiday.

  9. I love animals and books about them even though they are often sad. Elephants are such amazing and smart creatures. As for the Streep book, I'm interested in her run-ins .... did she not get along with Dustin Hoffman?


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