Friday, December 20, 2019

Inside Out: a memoir; Demi Moore

TITLE: Inside Out : a memoir
AUTHOR:  Demi Moore
PUBLISHER: Harper Collins
PUB. YEAR: 2019
FORMAT: print/library
RATING - 4/5

At age 56, Demi Moore looks back at her life: her sad dysfunctional childhood, three marriages, motherhood and successful career as an actress.

Demi was born to a teenaged mother with suicidal tendencies and an alcoholic father. As a result, she witnessed things many children never have to deal with.  She was also a sickly child and spent several months in the hospital at the age of 5 (and again at age 11) because of a kidney condition.  Despite Demi's health issues she assumed the role as protector to her younger brother because of their chaotic home life.

As her story progresses we learn about her inner turmoil of never feeling good enough or thin enough, as well as, her struggles with substance abuse and eating disorders. Details of her marriages, motherhood and career made this a quick but interesting read. I found this memoir to be an eye opener; it felt raw and brutally honest.


  1. I've been on the fence about this one but it sounds like it's worth reading.

  2. Sounds like she's done good considering all she's been through.

    1. It amazes me , the resilience of some, who have been through so much.

  3. I want to read this one. It is amazing to me how many people with hard early lives go on to create a body of creative work in spite of all.

    1. I know what you mean Judy, some people are able to just move on while many others just get stuck in the past.

  4. My local Barnes & Noble was selling signed copies of this one around Thanksgiving, and I noticed that they were selling fast. It's not a memoir that appeals to me personally, but it looks like fans of her movies were thrilled to get the autographed copies.

    1. WOW, Sam, that's pretty cool. I do like a good memoir from time to time.

  5. It sounds pretty rough ... what she's been through. I hope she feels back on firmer ground these days.

  6. I feel like she is an actress who was so in my life growing up through the movies then has disappeared as I've gotten older. She seems like an interesting person.

  7. Yes, she really had a rough time after the breakup of her last marriage.


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