Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Book Review - The Undoing; Jean Hanff Korelitz (book and miniseries)


The Undoing; Jean Hanff Korelitz

(initially published as You Should Have Known)

2014 - Grand Central Publishing

I tried timing this book to coincide with the 6-week HBO miniseries by the same title with Nicole Kidman, Hugh Grant and Donald Sutherland. I then realized I read this book back in 2014 (Goodreads Review Here)  I wasn't disappointed with the miniseries which I enjoyed more than the book. Have you read or watched this one?

Grace (Kidman) is a relationship psychologist in New York City, married to Jonathan (Hugh Grant), a pediatric oncologist. They have a 13 year old son Henry who attends a private school in NYC. The couple is wealthy.  Franklin (Donald Sutherland is Grace's father) and he is even wealthier and comes from old money.)  The family seems to have an enviable life until things start to unravel for them.

Elena, is a beautiful artist, she's married and her son attends the same school as Henry (on scholarship.)  She also has an infant daughter. One night she is brutally murdered and although there are a few suspects, Jonathan, however, is the primary focus. 

What was Jonathan's connection to Elena? How does it all play out? Grace knows Elena, Jonathan knows Elena, everyone has secrets. The miniseries and the book were enjoyable - my opinion of the killer changed a few times.

There were a few differences between the book and the miniseries and fewer characters in the miniseries as well. Elena is called Malaga in the book and she is much sexier and alluring on screen vs the book. Grace's father is married for the second time in the book but, single in the miniseries. In the book, Grace is writing a book called: "You Should Have Known: Why Women Fail to Hear What Men in Their Lives Are Telling Them."

Miniseries Very Enjoyable - Book Rating - 3.5/5


  1. We didn't see those miniseries but we'd probably like that better than the book.

  2. We don't have HBO, so I wasn't aware of this miniseries. With that cast, it sounds like it must have been a fairly high-budget production. From what I gather from your GoodReads review of the book upon which it's based, it sounds like the title of Grace's book was laughingly ironic. I love that. Might have to take a longer look at this one if I can find it.

    1. Very true Sam. She was a character you wanted to shake at times.

  3. Thank you for the reviews. Both the mini series and the book are new to me. I think I'd like the mini series better myself.

  4. Both sound good to me. If Nicole Kidman plays any character from a book, she is usually sexier. Because she is sexy in her own inimitable way.

  5. Everyone seems to be talking about the show. We don't have HBO Max so we have to do without. I got chuckle over you reading the book back in 2014. I swear. If I didn't have a blog listing of all the books I've read and reviewed, I'd forget pretty quick.

    1. LOL, so many psych thrillers seem somewhat the same to me these days.

  6. Yes, I saw Laurel mention it on her blog prior to the series beginning.

  7. We've watched 2 episodes of the TV series so far .... and my, it's all a bit Crazy .... but fun in that way.


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