Tuesday, November 8, 2011

First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros

Every Tuesday, I'll be posting the opening paragraph (maybe two) of a book I decided to read based on the opening paragraph (s). Feel free to grab the banner and play along. Today is the big release day for Stephen King's new book. I pre-ordered it for my Kindle. (I have so many books started right now --it's crazy), but this is another I really, really, really want to read.

"I've never been what you'd call a crying man."

"My ex-wife said that my 'nonexistent emotional gradient' was the main reason she was leaving me (as if the guy she met in her AA meetings was beside the point). Christy said she supposed she could forgive me for not crying at her father's funeral; I had known him only six years and couldn't understand what a wonderful, giving man he had been (a Mustang convertible as a high school graduation present, for instance).  But then, when I didn't cry at my own parents' funerals--they died just two years apart, Dad of stomach cancer and Mom of a thunderclap heart attack while walking on a Florida beach--she began to understand the nonexistent gradient thing.  I was 'unable to feel my feelings,' in AA-speak."
Will you be reading this one at some point?


  1. I haven't read King since college, but this is tempting.
    Here is my Tuesday Intro:

  2. I've heard so much about this one. Of course, with Stephen King, it seems like there is never a dull moment, so I would consider any of his books I haven't read!

  3. I haven't read much King, and am not sure I would start with this one, but I did enjoy that first paragraph! It will be interesting to hear what you think!

  4. It's been awhile since I read a Stephen King novel, but your first paragraph share has surely tempted me into wanting to read this one! I look forward to a review posted by you.

    I've joined your hop this week, too: Laughing Through Life on Tuesday.

  5. I'll wait for your review. I don't like King's novels but this sounds intriguing.

    I hope your weather is as warm and sunny as ours is. It'll be cold by the weekend but we'll take what warmth we can get this time of year.

  6. I am on the waitlist at the library. 900 pages. Hope it is oldstyle King.

    This week I am reading Boy in the Suitcase. And it has grabbed me from the beginning.


  7. I won't be reading it--I don't like Stephen King :(

  8. It's been years since I've read anything by Stephen King. I'm not sure if I'll read this one. This paragraph is interesting. I also saw an interview with Stephen King about this book on the Today Show this morning and that was very interesting. I'm certainly going to conesider reading this book. I'm just not so sure I'm that into the subject matter to read an entire book. I'm interested in your thoughts after you've read it, Diane!

    My First Chapter today:
    Amy's Tuesday First Chapter...!

  9. You KNOW I will be reading it. This one I plan to read on my Kindle over Thanksgiving BUT, I must finish 1Q84 first. I still have some time.

  10. I'll be eager to hear what you think of this one! I had pre-ordered it for my Kindle, but I knew I probably wouldn't get to it this month, so I'm biding my time to see the reviews. Enjoy!

  11. My prejudice is going to show here. I read the paragraph and definitely want to know more. I love the way the writer "talks" to me. But I didn't notice the author until I got here to the comments section. Was that really The Stephen King? I automatically discard his books as creepy. I think I've only read one or two. But this one? I'll need to read more before I commit to the whole book. Good one, Diane.

    I'm playing along today for the Quirky Girls. My First Paragraph is here: Quirky Girls Read

  12. Sounds a bit of a depressing read to follow, to me, so maybe not for my list.

  13. I'm not a big fan of Stephen King, though this one looks intriguing.

    My one this week is a multi-entry:

  14. I'm not a big fan of Stephen King, though this one looks intriguing.

    My one this week is a multi-entry:

  15. The title intrigues me, but I'd have to read more than the intro to decide.

    My Intro

  16. I haven't read King in ages but you may change that once you post your review!!

  17. I love Stephen King, so I would definitely keep reading! I didn't realize he had a new novel out -- thanks for spotlighting!

  18. Thanks for visiting and commenting! (There hasn't been much of a blog to visit lately, as we've been dealing with a lot of family difficulties, but I'm hoping to get back to it.)

    I read a lot of Steven King in high school, but got creeped out at some point and stopped. Too much for me. :-)

  19. I haven't read a Stephen King book in awhile, even though I have Lisey's Story on my stacks; but I'll read anything about 11/22/63. That date and those events are etched forever in my memory.

    So I've preordered this one...and now I need to go check when I'm getting it!

    Loved that opener.

  20. This is definitely on my to-read list. I haven't read any Stephen King for a few years but I can't resist an alternate reality plot.

  21. I pre-ordered this in print so I hope it's in my mailbox today. (Hurry up, Mailman!) Dave and I plan to read it together - so glad we have a roadtrip planned for the weekend - 8 hours of reading time.

  22. The buzz is pretty good … I suppose I shall at one point! Too many books, not enough time!

  23. I can't wait to read this one! Might be the first Stephen King I'll ever read!

  24. I think the last King book I read was Dreamcatcher, so i'm due for another! This is one i'll get for my iPad since it's quite a chunkster. Reading 1Q84 on the iPad has convinced me to give up buying those huge doorstoppers!

  25. I haven't read any Stephen King and don't know if I plan to. lol This is an interesting theme, tho. Just because some people are overly emotional, does that mean there is something wrong with those who aren't. ;)


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