Saturday, November 19, 2011

Saturday Snapshot - Even the Birds Were Confused!

 Saturday Snapshot is hosted by Alyce @ AT Home With Books.

Photos can be old or new, and be of any subject as long as they are clean and appropriate for all eyes to see. How much detail you give in the caption is entirely up to you. Please don't post random photos that you find online.

Even the birds were confused - Snow in October ?
Snow is gone and November has been mild thus far.


  1. Fun pic, Diane. We had a dusting a week ago but that's it. I live in WI along Lake Michigan and I thought about when we'd had October snow in the past. My daughter's birthday is Oct. 19 and several birthdays were snowy over the years (she's 31). So I guess it can happen but like the birds, I don't like it when it comes so early.

  2. Yes, what's up with that? Flying south doesn't help, it's cold down here too!

  3. HaHa! They look like they are wondering what to do next.

  4. I think a lot of us were confused by the snow in October!

  5. But snow in October makes such a great story! The birds do seem unsure what they're supposed to do. Here's My Saturday Snapshot

  6. Very cute picture and quote! I know that the weather has been wild and unpredictable in the past few months. It looks like the birds are just hunkering down and waiting for it to be over!

  7. I do love seeing the pictures of the snow, even in October, but wouldn't want to live through the havoc it creates!

    Great photo!


  8. I can remember going trick-or-treating in my snowboots! It's not unheard of in my part of the country, but not as common as it used to be. Poor birds!

    Here's my Snapshot

  9. Seems like the weather has been weird all over! We keep getting repeats of summer -- temperatures in the 70s and 80s, even though Thanksgiving is next week or so!

  10. This is a lovely photo, and I would like to join in sometime. One of these Saturdays. Right now I'm being a bit lazy and I'm not even out of my PJ's. Gotta get moving, well maybe in a little while ;)

  11. I was just going to say that we have had similar weather.... snowed a bit a week ago and then it all went away...

    but just now I looked out my window and we are being snowed on again.... *sigh*

    I guess it is inevitable....

  12. No snow yet here, thank goodness. Lovely picture. Looking at birds on a snowy day makes you feel even warmer being inside.

  13. I'm glad the snow has gone - I just hope it doesn't cross the Atlantic to bother us. November has been mild so far here too.

  14. They look like they were trying to find the warmest spot on the house. :)

  15. Great photo, Diane! Poor birds! Unfortunately I don't think it's going to get any easier to figure out what's up with the weather since it's supposed to be warm here this week after a few days of chilly weather. It's rather bizarre.
    But I remember one year when I was in collge in MA it was so warm the week after Thanksgiving people were wearing shorts around campus! So the fluctuating temps aren't anything new, I guess!

  16. how can i send you some good pic i have some pic on a house in ark and they were the hawks and then the eagle they roost on the hosue

  17. Hilarious photo, they're toasting their buns.

  18. LOL!! Our animals in MS are always stunned by snow...they never have enough opportunities for it to get old or even to have a schedule :)

  19. Smart birds. They found an exhaust vent to huddle around and keep warm while they grumbled about the early snow!

  20. Funny!
    I'm glad your snow is gone though, it's a bit early for it.

  21. I imagine them saying, "Keepin' my feet out of that white stuff."

  22. We have yet to have any snow here in London. My sister is getting married in two weeks and would adore snow for the wedding photographs ....

  23. Oh, that photo is so cute -- but it did make me go and adjust the heat up a notch or two here in my apartment.
    So far, where I live [Ottawa, Canada] NO SNOW!

  24. Beautiful photo.Does that part of the house become when the fireplace is on?
    In the mountain3 hours from where we live there will be snow in the next few days.
    Our grandkids are happy.

  25. Well, that is a coincidence.. My Saturday post talks about the trees/plants being confused too with all the strange the foto..

  26. Sweet photo! I'm glad that early snowstorm was a fluke. :)

  27. I'm sure they are like "What should we do????"

  28. too cute! the weather this whole year has been insane...but your picture really captures the craziness of it all - the birds will find whatever way they can to stay warm...unlike some teenagers in my home

  29. It's a committee meeting. "All right, who was the wise guy who said it was too warm to go south?"

  30. I wonder what they really do think about!!!

  31. Snow in October really is crazy. It's amazing how weather changes affect flowers and birds, isn't it?

  32. Great photo! I guess that's one way to stay warm. Sorry I'm a little late in commenting. Thanks for visiting my blog and taking the time to comment.


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