Tuesday, February 21, 2012

First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros

Every Tuesday, I'll be posting the opening paragraph (sometimes two) of a book I decided to read based on the opening paragraph (s). Feel free to grab the banner and play along.  This week's selection is from a book I just had to buy in hard cover when it was first released in ( 2003 ), and yet I still haven't read it.  Do you do this as well?

The Hills at Home; Nancy Clark
(2003 - Pantheon)

"Outside, the night blew perfectly foul and all of the Hills had stayed home.  Rain flung itself by the fistful against the clapboards, rain spangled the windowpanes, and the rain bore down so hard against the roof that shots bounced up from the slates and rained down again in shattery shards and splinters.  The wind wheeled round and the started rain skidded sideways.  The rain sought, the rain battered, the rain invaded.  This was an extravagant rain, as if somewhere, somehow, someone, miserly and profligate in turn, had been amassing rain until he possessed enough to hurl down fiercely and decisively upon the helplessly spinning earth."

I don't know about you, but I was totally turned off by this intro/ first paragraph, and the (10) times the word "rain" was used. -- I get it, the weather was terrible!  

I won't be reading this one as I actually need to finish a few other (in progress) books before starting anything else new. So sadly, after (9) years, this book gets plopped into my "donate" bag unread.  Has anyone read this book, and enjoyed it?  I know I bought it because (1) I loved the cover and (2) it was set in New England, but despite that, I don't  think it's for me.


  1. I'd have to read a few more pages to see if I liked it. It's very iffy to start a book with long descriptions unless you're very good at it!

  2. I really need to be in the mood to read a very descriptive book. I would need to know more about this one. I do like the cover.

  3. Too bad about the repetitive rain mentions....lol

    The cover does look promising.

    I have some books on my TBR that have been there at least that long! I'm working on them, though.

    Today I've decided to participate in this one. Here's MY TUESDAY POST

  4. I agree with you, that is repetitively redundant!

  5. Maybe it's because I like rain, but this description fits how heavy rain sometimes splashes into the crank-out window over our bed, and I sort of like this beginning. Whew! What a long sentence. :)

  6. I have never heard of or seen this book before!

    I wasn't turned off by this opening paragraph, although I understand that sentiment, Diane! But the opening made me question the author's writing style. I don't particularly care for the over done repitition of a word - and this author uses 'rain' to an extreme! Like Harvee, I'd like to read a bit more to decide if this book is for me.
    I am wondering if this is about a dysfunctional and flawed family - it sure sounds that way! in which case I may want to read this book.

    My choice today is quite different than yours:
    Amy's FCFPTI for 2.21.12

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Oh, I am sorry you won't be reading this one. I loved this paragraph for some reason. I think it was the last sentence that really interested me.

  9. I found the rain fascinating and the paragraph poetic. Yes, I would read on.

  10. I did notice the repetitive use of the word rain--but I think I'd keep reading. kaye—the road goes ever ever on

  11. This book has been on my wish list since 2003! I remember a couple friends in a Yahoo group listing it among their favorites of the year. The first paragraph is a disappointment though. It must get better...

  12. Sorry, when an author gets too wordy, I get too bored.

    This week I am reading Doc by Mary Doria Russell


  13. Oops, here is my corrected link.

    Mine is here.

  14. Oh, I read a bit at the library years ago and have had it in my head ever since. I really want to read it. I didn't mind the rain so much. :<)

    1. I really feel like I'm in the minority here...LOL Just having an off day maybe.

  15. I thought it was overly descriptive for absolutely no reason!!

  16. The intro doesn't do anything for me either. I would probably move on to other novels b/c life is too short to read boring books.


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