Tuesday, May 14, 2013

First Chapter ~ First Paragraph Tuesday Intros

Every Tuesday I host First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros, where I share the first paragraph or (a few) of a book I am reading or thinking about reading soon. Care to join us?

This week I'm featuring an intro from a book that I'm currently reading.

"There are things we can't undo, but perhaps there is a kind of constructive remorse that could transform regrettable acts into something of service to life.

That summer Flora and I were together every day and night for three weeks in June, all of July, and the first six days of August.  I was ten, going on eleven, and she was twenty-two.  I thought I knew her intimately, I thought I knew everything there was to know about her, but she has since become a profound study for me, more intensely so in recent years.  Styles have come and gone in storytelling, psychologizing, theologizing, but Flora keeps providing me with something as enigmatic as it is basic to life, as timeless as it is fresh." 

What do you think? Would you keep reading or move on to something else?   - I liked the intro a lot and the first 50 pages have breezed by for me, and looking forward to reading more.  

 Please join us and add your link below.



  1. I surely wanna keep on reading!

  2. That does sound good. I'd be interested to know more about the author, too.

  3. I'd keep reading. The opening made me curious about Flora!

  4. I'm hooked already! Hope you're enjoying... I'll look forward to your review.

  5. I love the prose and would definitely keep reading. I've read Gail Godwin before and enjoyed her.

  6. Definitely want to keep reading... Gail Godwin is a favorite author of mine....and I haven't read this one. It's going on my list!

  7. I have not heard of this author before but I am definetley wanting to read more of this story. I have added it to my wish list.

  8. I love Gail Godwin so I would keep reading. I'm anxious to hear what you think about it. Here's Mine

  9. I would read on, at least a bit more.

  10. I lime the way the intro teases the reader into wanting to know more. Who iks this Flora - I want to know now. Yes, I'd keep going.

  11. Yes I would keep reading, especially since the author is Gail Godwin.

  12. I would definitely keep on reading. Not heard of the book or author, but, like the narrator, I'm intrigued by Flora.

  13. The intro had me hooked. Glad you are enjoying it so far.

  14. I'd read more about this enigma, Flora!

  15. The opening has me curious and wanting to know more about Flora. I am glad you are enjoying the book so far, Diane!

  16. Love the opening..very curious about the age difference!!

  17. I would definitely keep reading. Sounds like it's going to be a good read. I've read a couple of Gail Goodwin's books and found I've really enjoyed them. Must look for this one!

  18. that sounds really good, I would keep reading. thanks for stopping by this week.

  19. Yes...it sounds interesting.
    I just finished The Good House by Ann Leary on audio. You gave it a good review. I really loved it. I want another book just like it! Thanks!


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