Saturday, May 25, 2013

Saturday Snapshots - May 25th - 2013

Alyce at At Home With Books has decided to take a break from blogging and from hosting Saturday Snapshot. We will miss her, but all of us understand a need to step back, regroup, and prioritize one's life. We hope to see her back soon. Saturday Snapshot is now hosted by Melinda at West Metro Mommy while Alyce is away.

To participate in the Saturday Snapshot meme post a photo that you (or a friend or family member) have taken then leave a direct link to your post in the Mister Linky (at West Metro Mommy). Photos can be old or new, and be of any subject as long as they are clean and appropriate for all eyes to see. How much detail you give in the caption is entirely up to you. Please don’t post random photos that you find online.

This past week we had our annual employee picnic at work. They had all sorts of events for employees to participate in, or to just sit back and enjoy: psychic readings, comedy acts, jugglers, magicians, DJ, bingo, photography, landscape tips, rug braiding demonstrations, manicures, door prizes and more.

One of the demonstrations was from the inhabitants of a local parrot shop. There birds were so entertaining and so smart. They even performed for us...LOL (I had no idea that these birds live to 50 years of age on average.)There were also about (5) others not shown here.

 (4) week old lovebird


  1. Love the white one, I feel like his blue eye was staring right at me!!!

  2. Oh my gosh, that 4-week-old love bird is just precious! What great pictures, thank you for sharing!

    Here is my SATURDAY SNAPSHOT post.

  3. Wow, gorgeous parrots! And I didn't know about their longevity, either. These are each so beautifully unique. Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

  4. That's certainly a bird I won't see when I go birding, a chatty parrot! They are so colorful. What a wonderful time you'd had. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Your employee picnic sounds like such a fun event!

  6. Beautiful birds that live a long life. And so smart too. Were they talking?

    My Lovebird is adopted. She outlasted her owner and the family didn't have time for a bird.

    1. They did not speak---most were less than 6 months old expect for the 17 year old blue one. They did acts like hopping, obstacle course performances, and putting plastic chips into a bank!!! So cute.

  7. They really go all out for your employee picnic! Hope you enjoy the long holiday weekend, Diane. :-)

  8. I love bird photos...these are wonderful, Diane! Thanks for sharing them and have a great weekend!

  9. I'd love an annual employee picnic! And it must have been wonderful to meet all of the birds :)

  10. I would have held the baby but steered clear of the others! lol

  11. How fascinating. I've never sees a display of parrots at any event - perhaps no-one does them in the UK. But lots of fetes and things have displays of birs of prey. My Snapshot is at

  12. Wow, sounds like you work in a very fun workplace! The birds are gorgeous - hope you enjoyed the day.

    I just announced my summer challenge on my blog - it's very low-key - you only need to commit to at least 1 book of more than 400 pages this summer to participate. Check it out!


    Big Book Summer Challenge

  13. So fascinating to see the tiny one! I never think of them as 'chicks' ... lucky you to have gotten an up close and personal intro!

  14. Lovely birds, they look so majestic! The babies, not so much, but they still have their own cuteness!

  15. Oh wow! These are great pictures!

  16. The white one looks like a cockatoo without the yellow plumes on top.

    1. It is a cockatoo, but only 4 month old so I guess the plume comes later perhaps?

  17. Those parrots are amazing birds- the first two especially- although that baby love bird is adorable in its own way.

  18. Wow, your company has quite a nice picnic! Parrots are fascinating. I love the photo of the colorful green and gold parrot. They are all beauties.

  19. These are beautiful birds! Thanks for taking part in Saturday Snapshot!

  20. Beautiful birds, beautiful pics!

  21. Lovely bird photos, Diane.Parrots and lovebirds fascinate me, although I've never had one as a pet.

  22. Now if they only had a psychic parrot, that would be something. Great photos.

  23. Those are beautiful, beautiful birds!!!

  24. A great idea for entertainment at an employee picnic. I bet you love where you work!

  25. what a fun picnic and what beautiful birds.

  26. Thank you for the comment the other day, it's very sad in my home and with my husband traveling it will probably continue until he gets home (when we have to relive the first time again).

    OMGosh... the love bird?!! stinking adorable.

  27. Awwww, that little baby bird is the sweetest. I love the coloring on the first parrot though. Sounds like it was a fun day.

  28. A little known fact, birds scare me. Yep.

  29. The white one is simply gorgeous! Fabulous up close photos, Diane! :-)

  30. I love the baby lovebird...want one!


Thanks for taking the time to visit and double thanks for any comments. If you ask a question in your comments, I will try to reply to it here, or by email if your settings allow me to do so. Thanks again for visiting.