Saturday, May 4, 2013

Saturday Snapshots - a few photos and a few questions for my readers

Saturday Snapshot

Photos can be old or new, and be of any subject as long as they are clean and appropriate for all eyes to see. How much detail you give in the caption is entirely up to you. Please don't post random photos that you find online.

 Why does this "orchid" like being at work more than me?

Honestly, this orchid was nearly dead at home, but I brought it to work about (6) months ago and it now has (6) huge blooms (3) buds about to bloom and me shoots sprouting at the bottom! Clearly it doesn't mind work as much as me:)
Why don't any birds in the neighborhood want to call this birdhouse home?

I put up my first birdhouse here (I've had a birdbath and feeders for 4 years), but, sadly,  no birds have tried to nest here.  What's wrong with it? It has just the (1) front opening and the bird feeders are within (30) feet of it.


  1. My husband made a cozy nook for the robins to nest in, but they have ignored it and found another tree to build their own nest.

  2. I suspect birds are like teenagers - they will do the opposite of what you suggest just because they can! Perhaps orchids also have a contrary gene :-)

  3. We I don't get it either, that is a mighty fine bird house!

  4. The orchid must be getting just the right amount of light at work. At least it gives you something to look forward to each day!

  5. Orchids are funny that way. I had one for years that wouldn't bloom any place I put it and then I gave it one more chance in a bright SE facing room where it has bloomed faithfully ever since. Yours is gorgeous!

  6. Those orchids are fabulous! And I think they knew you needed them at work to cheer you

    I love that birdhouse! So beautiful....and perhaps the birds are in awe, like we would be of a beautiful home.

    Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

  7. I had the same thing happen with a plant that was dying at home and when I brought it to work it not only grew, it took over the entire office! (It was a hanging vine-type of plant)
    It was due to the office having large windows and florescent lighting. That was the key!
    As for the birdhouse, if I were a bird I would sure like it!

  8. Great photos. I'm glad your plant is thriving! I just started blogging again. Please stop by when you get a chance. Thanks.

  9. Pretty flowers! Odd that it does better at work though. :)

  10. I don't know the answer to either of your questions, but your photo may have answered my question - why my orchid hasn't bloomed in over two years but still seems to be alive. I'll try putting it in a window spot!

    1. South window if possible but move to warmer sunny spot in summer.

  11. Your orchid is gorgeous. Maybe it thrives on misery and your house was too happy for it. The bird house, the only thing I would guess is that the front opening may be too big so other critters could get in, but I can't tell for sure. One of the bird experts is sure to solve the mystery. Here's Mine

    1. Yes, too large of an opening is what my coworkers are saying too when I showed them the photo. oh well..

  12. The orchids are beautiful but are one of the few plants I can't grow... and I have a half dead one here to prove it!

    Now bird houses I know a little bit about. How long has the house been up? Birds are very, very cautious. If it's new they usually avoid it until they're sure it's safe. Eventually they find it and move in. It took them a few years to find mine. I have had Robin platforms up for a years and they won't use them. They did however nest on an outdoor speaker. Go figure.

    What size is the opening? Different birds like different size openings and different size boxes. My boxes are designed to attract wrens 4X4 with 1 1/4 inch opening. House Finches and Sparrows need about a 2 inch opening. Too big an opening and they avoid it because Jays and other nasty birds will eat the babies. Also... and I know this is going to sound goofy... a lot of birds don't like a front stoop or perch because predators can sit there.

    1. Leslie -- the size is : 9 3/4" x 9" x 12 1/2" high, and the opening is pretty big 2+", plus with that little perch, I think you hit the nail on the head. Predators may be a concern for them.

  13. Your orchid is beautiful and I love the birdhouse! We also have one that the birds never use. They would much rather build nests in the beams of our porches and even on a wreath hanging near the front door. Your birdhouse is adorable and I bet they move in eventually. Then you can raise the rent!

  14. Love the back-lit orchid! We put up a birdhouse once, and the only one interested in inhabiting it was a squirrel...

    1. This opening probably is squireel size so that may be why the birds do not feel safe.

  15. Beautiful pics, Diane! That birdhouse is darling and inviting--I wonder why it is vacant? My orchids thrive facing south, and get a lot of light.

    1. yes, this orchid faces south as well. I guess that is the key.

  16. That is a beautiful birdhouse -- they are crazy to be leaving it alone like that. Hell, I want to move in, myself!
    Maybe the birds think the house is SO nice that there must be a cat in there somewhere?
    And the orchid -- so delicate and gorgeous. Why does it prefer the workplace? Hmmm... beats me! I only know that the workplace is the last place I would want to be!

  17. I so enjoyed Leslies explaination about the birdhouse. It helped me wonder about one we got for my in-laws. Glad the Orchid found a place to thrive.

    My SS

  18. I'm glad Leslie commented. I knew she'd have some answers for you :) Lovely orchids, Diane.

  19. What a gorgeous orchid bloom.

  20. I love orchids and have had good luck with my one orchid and I think it is the place it is located. It may be happy in your window at work, sunshine, temperature etc. Your orchid is beautiful!

    1. Thanks Bonnie - That orchid does make me smile at work and a definite conversation piece.

  21. That is a beautiful bloom! I can never keep any plants alive in my house. I even killed a cactus once. Go figure. And yeah, what the heck is wrong with that birdhouse? It's like Cribs for birds. Lol.

  22. I think the birdhouse may be too dark for them to find inviting. It's gorgeous though.

    1. Hmmm...too dark, didn't think of that - yes a lot are natural wood it seems. Fussy peepers.

  23. Oh my gosh, I am crazy in love with your birdhouse! I have to echo what Leslie said about the stoop perhaps deterring your feathered friends from making this into a home.

    1. So sad about that as I was hopping to see some chickies this summer. Maybe I'll get a diff one to try.

  24. I have no luck with orchids, so am interested to see what yours ended up needing. Lovely photos of your flowers, too.

    As for the bird house - I echo what Leslie says. The size of the opening is really important for the birds, because their enemies (especially crows and jays) will try to come in if the opening is large enough. It is adorable, your birdhouse, I love it.

    1. Susan....I guess I screw up and purchased it for looks not praticallity.

  25. Since the orchid likes to be at your workplace so much, perhaps you could train it to do some work too ;) As for the birdhouse, why birds might choose to not nest in it could be many. It might be too big or too small for the birds in your area. The location could be uninviting, or there might be something about the color, the paint and/or the ornaments they don't like. Even if birds never nest in it though, it's really cute!

    1. Yes, I think the opening is too large, maybe afraid of a squirrel or jays attacking?

  26. Your orchid is absolutely beautiful! As for the birdhouse- I don't know why they wouldn't go in it. It's quite lovely. We put up those bird feeders in the trees and the birds seem awfully happy with those. Maybe they prefer being out in the open.

  27. I think the birds are afraid of the mortgage payments that would come with such a fancy pants house! And wow … your orchid is lovely!

  28. Gorgeous orchid plant! And a beautiful bird with it. No telling with the birds... my DH was wondering this morning why the birds won't eat from the expensive feeder even after the other three are empty.


Thanks for taking the time to visit and double thanks for any comments. If you ask a question in your comments, I will try to reply to it here, or by email if your settings allow me to do so. Thanks again for visiting.