Friday, May 24, 2013

Under the Dome ; Stephen King - Read-Along

Need a Stephen King Fix?  Why not join in an informal read-along?

Thanks go out to..
The Under the Dome, mini-series will premiere in exactly one month on CBS, the summer readalong starts now and will extend past the mini-series premiere.

Doing a kick-off post? Then feel free to give details on:
  • Show us your copy! Audio or print?
  • Have you read Uncle Stevie before?
  • Oh.....yes....more than half of his novels...the creepier tne better!
  • What are you familiar with about Under the Dome or Stephen King?
  • It's still a mystery to me- plan to start it over the weekend I hope.
  • What are you looking forward to?
  • Reading other bloggers thoughts!
Won't you join us?  
Sign up-


  1. Yay, so glad you're joining in our crazy train ride! I have the print copy but I'm considering downloading an ebook because I am NOT looking forward to my air travel next week with a 5 pound book in my briefcase! I read Stephen King once when I was a kid and didn't like the short story I chose, and I mistakenly never read him again. Thankfully, I got an ARC of 11/22/63 and was hooked since then and loved 'Salem's Lot, The Stand, etc. Thank goodness I tried his work again!!

    Looking forward to your thoughts and the Twitter party we'll have!!

  2. I could use a Stephen King fix. I was just thinking about reading this one before the mini-series aired on TV and then yesterday I saw Natalie's post on the read along. And reading Uncle Stevie with a group is always better than going it alone. So now I need to decide... audio, print or ebook.

  3. Oh man, I'm going to do it too. I can't resist!

  4. This sounds like a lot of fun, Diane! I've read some Stephen King and always enjoy his terrific story telling. :)

  5. I SO want to join this, but I packed my copy of The Dome last week since we're moving two weeks from now, and I have no idea where it is! I wonder if I can put my hands on it?

  6. I've read a ton of King in the olden days. I will wait to read your thoughts on this one...who knows, I might read it at a later date!

  7. Dang, I would love to read-a-long, but have too much to do between now and my daughter's wedding. I plan to DVR this mini-series. Enjoy the book, my brother said it was good.

  8. Oh my, those other King readalongs were so much fun that now the rest of us just can't resist playing along!

  9. I read this in two days a few years back and am very interested in the series this summer … especially in how they will dhow the ending!

  10. Hey Diane, Just signed on to the read-along and I too, am interested in other bloggers' thoughts along the way ... I don't twitter, so am wondering if I can post thoughts or questions on this post off and on during the read-along ... let me know, okay? I started it night before last and am already 100+ pages in ... things get strange fast!

  11. I'm not going to read this one again because it's SO long, but a read-together is a great idea; I know everyone will love it. My daughter was looking through my shelves for something to read and I pulled this one out. Her eyes about bugged out of her head, and she said, "Mom! I can't read that BIG OLE BOOK!". I said, "Just read the first chapter, and if you're not hooked, bring it back". Well, I got it back three weeks later (she said she read it every chance she could get). Now we're SUPER excited to see how it plays out on TV!

  12. Have been immersed in this book for the past four days ... Rennie and Junior have become such cankers on the community and I am super concerned, about Barbie's fate and the PA who has stepped up big time since Dr. Haskell died. One thing about this book ... I have such a hard time everybody straight ... it's a good thing King put that roster at the front of the book!

    Also, have put further thoughts on the book on my intial Linky post, so if you are interested in conversation, go there and read on. I've tried not to put any spoilers in my comments. There is a link to a really interesting interview that King did with Terry gross on NPR's Fresh Air, if you're interested.


Thanks for taking the time to visit and double thanks for any comments. If you ask a question in your comments, I will try to reply to it here, or by email if your settings allow me to do so. Thanks again for visiting.