Tuesday, February 16, 2016

First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros - Good to a Fault; Marina Endicott

Every Tuesday I host First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros where I share the first paragraph sometimes two from a book I am reading or thinking about reading soon.  I'm trying to read at least a couple of books from my own shelves each month of 2016 and this one that I had to buy in 2010 called out my name this week :)

Good to a Fault; Marina Endicott
2010 - Harper

1. Left Turn

"Thinking about herself and the state of her soul, Clara Purdy drove to the bank one hot Friday in July.  The other car came from nowhere, speeding through on the yellow, going so fast it was almost safely past when Clara's car caught it.  She was pushing on the brake, a ballot move, graceful--pulling back on the wheel with both arms as she rose, her foot standing on the brake--and then a terrible crash, a painful extended rending sound, when the metals met. The sound kept on longer than you'd expect, Clara thought, having time to think as the cars scrapped sides and changed each other's direction, as the metal ripped open and bent and assumed new shapes."

What do you think -- keep reading or pass? 
(Feel free to join in this week by posting your intro below?


  1. Wow! Now I want to know what happens next. Thanks for sharing.

  2. That paragraph was so well written that I can really see it and even feel it. I want more.

  3. Oh that is a scary opening - I have a fear of being in a car crash and that is written so very well - sounds like a fantastic read!

    1. I know what you mean, these days with ALL the distracted drivers makes me uneasy driving these days.

  4. This author's prose style has certainly caught my attention! I even winced as I read this, because the description engaged my vision and hearing both. This sounds like a riveting novel. Thanks for featuring this book! Onto my Goodreads shelves it goes!

  5. A lovely cover and a stomach-churning start, yes, I would have to read on. (I've been cut from a car crash and taken on a body-board to hospital so this opening gives me the shivers!)

  6. OK, yes, I'd have to continue to see what happened next. Very scary beginning!

  7. I'd read on to see where the story is headed...

  8. Very descriptive! It's like I'm there, which is scary. I'd keep reading.

    1. I know what you mean and I do LOVE when an author can write like that.

  9. The opening draws you right in. Of course you have to read on to see what happens.

  10. I would read more. I have to know what happens next.

  11. What an opening! I'd keep reading. I want to know what's going to happen.

  12. Wow! I'd keep reading for sure. That's an amazing description. Thanks for sharing.

  13. Wow, that's quite an opening!! I'd need to read more to see what happens.

  14. Ouch. That sounds too real.

  15. Very descriptive opening that grabs the attention.

    1. It is powerful and the part about the "state of her soul" before the crash makes me wonder even more.

  16. I had an accident kind of like the one described. Though my retelling of my accident isn't quite so wonderfully descriptive.

  17. It is a scary paragraph but it makes me want to know what happened!


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