Tuesday, May 14, 2019

First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros - The Girl He Used to Know; Tracey Garvis Graves

Each Tuesday, Vicki, from I’d Rather Be At The Beach hosts First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros where  readers post the opening paragraph (sometime two) of a book they are reading or that they plan to read. 

The Girl He Used to Know; Tracey Garvis Graves
St. Martin's Press - 2019

August 2001

"I run into him at Dominck's of all places. I'm poking around in the freezer case, searching for the strawberries I put in my morning smoothie, when a man's voice somewhere off to my right says, Annika? He sounds unsure.

From the corner of my eye, I catch a glimpse of his face.  It's been ten years since we've seen each other and though I often struggle to recognize people out of context, there's no need for me to question whether it's him. My body vibrates like the low rumble of a faraway train and I'm grateful for the freezer's cold air as my core temperature shoots up.  I want to bolt, to forget about the strawberries and find the nearest exit.  But Tina's words echo in my head, and I repeat them like a mantra:  Don't run, take responsibility, be yourself."

Read more or would you pass?  (I started this today, it's a page turner.)


  1. How can you leave this couple and go elsewhere!

  2. I'll bet that one is pretty interesting!

  3. Great opening. I'm waiting for a copy of this book to become available at my library. Enjoy!

  4. I've been hearing good things about this book lately. I like the beginning.

  5. Yes, that first paragraph made me curious.

  6. I read this one already and I really loved it. It starts a little slow and Annika is different but it is worth sticking with it. Highly recommend!

  7. I have a copy and plan to read it in a few weeks. I'm trying to focus on my book club books (one for this Thursday and one for next month) since I'm having a hard time fitting in time to read these days!

  8. This is new to me but sounds like it's going to be very popular!


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