Thursday, May 2, 2019

The River; Peter Heller

AUTHOR:  Peter Heller
PUB. YEAR: 2019
SETTING:  Canada
FORMAT:  - print - library
RATING - 4.5/5

 Wynn, from Vermont and Jack, from Colorado are friends who met at Dartmouth. Both share a love of fishing, sleeping under the stars and books.  The two decided to canoe the Maskwa River in Canada, doing what they love.  However, instead of the relaxing time filled with peace and tranquility they imagined, the two face unexpected dangers and find themselves fighting for their own survival.

I'm not a lover of the great outdoors (except the beach) and I give a big "no thanks" to hiking and camping as well, but, I must say I really loved this story.  It definitely helped me to understand the appeal that draws some to this type of adventure.

The author is incredible - the story starts our very slow with all kinds of beautiful details about nature, it's sights and sounds. There is peace, serenity and beauty to be found all around; I felt a part of the landscape.  He then gradually builds the tension as the two friends put themselves in a bad situation and are faced with new danger and a fight to survive.  There is much to love about this book of friendship, the great outdoors and survival.  Outdoor lover or not, give this one a try.


  1. I'm not outdoorsy either but do like the sound of this book.

  2. That does sound good but I thought I heard some banjo music!

  3. This one sounds perfect for me! As you know, I love the outdoors and camping (well, glamping in an RV is more accurate), and I so enjoyed The Dog Stars by Heller, that I will get a copy of this new release ASAP. I'm so glad to know that you enjoyed it!

  4. A survival book done well is so intriguing. This one sounds like it fits the bill for that.

  5. I enjoy the outdoors but am not usually a fan of survival type stories but I'm curious about this one after reading your review!

  6. This book sounds really absorbing! I like that the characters met at Dartmouth, and I love the great outdoors, although I haven't really been camping. Wonderful, enthusiastic review, Diane!

  7. I'm going to take your word for it!

  8. I started this one and am enjoying it.

  9. I love hikes, as long as I get back to civilization by bedtime. Looks good.

    1. LOL, I hate hiking, woods and bugs. Just a nice walk in a pretty park is enough for me.

  10. I hadn't even considered this one, but you make it sounds so good...

    1. I'm curious how the audio would be now. It's not a very long novel.

  11. Yes, I just finished this book as an audio and liked quite a lot. It had good action amid the wilderness while canoeing the river. The ending was a bit sad and I wasn't expecting that.

    1. Oh great, I was curious about the audio - glad you enjoyed it.

  12. I have loved everything this author has written. I have this one and I am very excited to read it now. I love the outdoors in theory but not when I am actually in it. LOL.

  13. I should mention that I am taking my high school group to summer camp this June. I did so three years ago and suffered a slipped disc and a cracked jaw before I left so I am hoping the outdoor experience will go better for me this time.

  14. Diane,
    I am an outdoorsy, nature girl type, but I like a warm, soft bed in a house at night! Still, this sounds very interesting to me. I'm glad you liked it as much as you did. I will look it up. I wonder where, or in what province, the Mskwa River is.


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