Wednesday, June 16, 2021

3 new Book Reviews - delights for children - Annie Lumsden: Girl From the Sea; David Almond - Sweet Pea Summer; Hazel Mitchell and Atticus Caticus; Sarah Maizes

(Illustrations: Beatrice Alemagna )
Candlewick - 2021
(ages 7-10)

Annie Lumsden is 13 years old and she hasn't been to school for a while, she isn't like most other children at school. Her hair seems to float like seaweed as she move about, her thoughts seems to drift to the wonders of the sea.  Since she has trouble confusing her letters and her numbers, her artist mother teaches Annie from their little beach house by the sea.  Annie loves listening to all of her mother's stories about her artwork but, her favorite tales by far are ones about the sea.  One day, it's a stranger that is new to the area who helps Annie to understand how special she really is,

I loved that this story features a girl who is different from her peers but, she isn't overwhelmed by her differences and rather in a good place it seems.  I loved the relationship she had with her mother who was so supportive of her daughter's uniqueness and her creature-of-the-sea qualities.  A good store and positive message and lovely illustrations that add to the mystery within the story.

Sweet Pea Summer; Hazel Mitchell (author/illustrator)
Candlewick Press - 2021
(ages 4-8)

When a little girl's mother must be hospitalized, Grandma and Grandpa have her father bring her over to spend the summer with the them.  Hoping to take her mind off her mother, they try to get her interested in gardening, both flowers and vegetables.  The sweet peas were always a beautiful garden addition and they hoped to enter them in the flower show this year but sweet peas were not doing well. The buds were falling off, the girl tried everything she could think of to help them: umbrellas for shade, covering them at night for cooler temps and just the right amounts of water too.  Soon came the day of the flower show and the hard work had paid off - it was her bluest ever sweet peas that won the prize. They also served as a perfect welcome home gift for her mom.

Sweet story, lovely illustrations and an overall summer perfect story.

Atticus Caticus; Sarah Maizes 
Kara Kramer, Illustrator
Candlewick Press - 2021

Atticus Caticus features a day in the life of a quirky cat and her little human.  Yes, Atticus can be a tad annoying, it's just how some cats can be, but, above all else it is his quirks that make him the cool fun unique cat that is hard not to love.

The rhyme, fun verse is a delight but, may take some time getting used to. The illustrations were fun, (I can't call them adorable) but, the expressions on Atticus are just priceless.  I think most little ones who love cats will pick this one as a favorite.

Thanks go to Candlewick Press for sending these lovely books my way in exchange for my unbiased reviews.


  1. Love the illustrations on these books! The stories are lovely as well. ;)

    1. I so admire these talented illustrators. My daughter has the creative ability in our family - I lack that gene:)

  2. Sweet Pea Summer is the one I'd probably like best.

    1. It is a sweet story and one topic that is a good - go to when illness strikes a family.

  3. I'm so glad there are still good books out there for the kids!

    1. Every year the books for kids seem to get better and better.

  4. Annie Lumsdin seems lovely and the graphics are gorgeous. And of course Atticus Caticus seems the best ever. Elza will love it!

    Elza Reads

  5. I love this post, Diane! Sweet Pea Summer looks like a wonderful book and the illustrations are great. Thanks!

    1. Thanks! Sweet Pea Summer is an important book - you never know when illness might strike the family of a small child.

  6. The illustrations are adorable and beautiful!

    1. I love how children's books with the quality illustrations draw young people into a love of books.

  7. I'm like that whenever I hear of new children's books as well.

  8. I so enjoyed this- every book seems good to me! I love there's a book with a Hazel. I'm quite fascinated by selkies (I think that's the right term). And I'm fond of that kitty just seeing the illustration!

  9. Yes Nan, "selkies" is the correct term. I love that there are so many magical chapter books out there for young children these days.

  10. You know I'm off to look for Annie Lumsden right now!


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