Tuesday, June 15, 2021

First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros - Before We Were Yours; Lisa Wingate

Welcome to First Chapter/Intros, hosted by Yvonne @ Socrates Book Reviews
Each week readers post the first paragraph (or 2) of a book we are reading or plan to read. This week's pick is my book group's pick for June - we meet, in person, next week back at the library.

Before We Were Yours; Lisa Wingate
Ballantine Books - 2017


Baltimore, Maryland
August 3, 1939

"My story begins on a sweltering August night, in a place I will never set eyes upon. The room takes life only in my imaginings.  It is large most days when I conjure it.  The walls are white and clean, the bed linens crisp as a fallen leaf. The private suite has the very finest of everything.  Outside, the breeze is weary, and the cicadas throb in the tall trees, their verdant hiding places just below the window frames. The screens sway inward as the attic fan rattles overhead, pulling at wet air that has no desire to be moved.

The scent of pine wafts in, and the woman's screams press out as the nurses hold her fast to the bed. Sweat pools on her skin and rushes down her face and arms and legs.  She's be horrified if she was aware of this."

What do you think, read more or pass? Have you read this one? I heard it was excellent so I'm looking forward to beginning it this week.


  1. I read (and loved) this one back in 2017, and it is still one I think about at times. I hope you enjoy it.

    1. I've only read one or two books by this author but this was highly recommended - glad you loved it.

  2. Oh I want to read this one! Will definitely keep an eye out for your thoughts.

    1. It's supposed to be very good, so I'm guessing it will make for a great discussion.

  3. I think it sounds rather intriguing and look forward to hearing more about it and your thoughts.

  4. Replies
    1. Great to hear, looking forward to a good group discussion.

  5. I remember being interested in this one a while back. The Tennessee Orphanage scandal. Would certainly read more!

    1. How awful the things that have happened to so many innocent people in our country.

  6. This appears to be one of Lisa Wingate's highest rated books---an average of 4.37 with readers. I haven't read it, but I did enjoy very much the one book of hers I did read, Tending Roses.

  7. I've heard and read quite a lot of positive comment about this book. The excerpt you gave is certainly intriguing.

  8. I've only read one of Lisa Wingate's books (and was kind of cool toward it), but I think the cover of this one would be enough on its own to get me to read a few pages to see what comes next.

  9. I'd definitely continue reading. It sounds good. I haven't read this author but I've heard good things and this intro has me interested.

  10. I loved this book! Very good historical fiction with a dual timeline that were equally compelling. This is the first book by Wingate that I've read and I thought the writing was very good. Enjoy!

  11. I've read just one book by this author. This sounds like a really good one. Thank you for the update.


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