Sunday, June 27, 2021

Book Review - Chair Yoga: Accessible Sequences to Build Strength, Flexibility and Inner Calm; Christina D'Arrigo

                                                                 Rockridge Press -2021 - 141 pages

I had attended regular yoga classes 3x a week pre-pandemic which I enjoyed very much - they will be starting again soon in August. However, over the past year my knees have been giving me problems so I thought this Chair Yoga book might be useful. I loved it.

There are a variety of chair poses with photos and clear instructions as well a ways to modify and time suggestions for each pose. These are perfect for keeping active and yet not having to get on the floor and do not involve weight bearing poses of my knees - a win-win.

Highly Recommended!

(source Amazon Vine program)


  1. I've never tried any chair poses, just the mat things!

  2. I miss yoga at the Y so much. It looks like our Y may not reopen. It's nice to know there are good books to offer help with yoga.

  3. I need to drag out some of my yoga books! For several years, I kept up my personal practice and classes, then just personal practice, then frequent attempts to start again without sticking to the plan.

  4. I wonder if you can combine this with some Youtube videos. I sure do miss my twice-weekly yoga class!


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