Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Book Review - Funny Farm: My Unexpected Life with 600 Rescue Animals; Laurie Zaleski


St. Martin's Press - 2022

Author Laurie Zaleski's love of animals began early in life.  Her mother Annie loved all kinds of animals and had a dream of rescuing the unwanted, abused and abandoned animals who needed a second chance.  First, her mother had to escape her abusive life at the hands of Laurie's father Richard, a wealthy professor with a mean streak.  She along with Laurie and her two siblings had fled the family home several times only to be coaxed back by Richard.  Finally they were able to escape for good but, they were never really rid of him.  It was the mid-1970s and a difficult situation for a mother to be in. With almost no money of her own and no alimony she made the best of a bad situation with multiple lower level jobs.  One of Annie's jobs was in animal control and she was forever bringing a soon to be put to death animal home. Her big heart planted her dream of having her own rescue. Unfortunately,  that didn't happen for her -- she passed away at 52.  Laurie, however,  was able to live her mother's dream. She bought a 15 acre parcel in New Jersey's Pine Barrens region and began taking in helpless creatures: horses, pigs, goats, calves, llamas, cats, wounded birds and many other varieties of unwanted or neglected animals. Today some 600 creatures call Funny Farm home.

I loved this memoir and the way it was written. The chapters alternate between the past Laurie's and her sibling's childhood and her mother's need to see that her children learned compassion by help animals.  The chapters that focus on the present - are about "funny farm" and how various animals that live on the farm found their way there. I loved the resilience of this family and how they didn't dwell on misfortune but picked themselves up and made it their mission to help the helpless.  Funny Farm Rescue & Sanctuary is open to the public and has many loyal volunteers and supporters today. I  highly recommend this memoir.

Rating - 5/5 stars

(NOTE: The eGalley was sent to me by the publisher, St. Martin's Press and NetGalley in exchange for my unbiased review)


  1. It sounds like a lovely book and a wonderful and compassionate life well spent.

    1. It's such a wonderful memoir but, I guess you can tell how I felt.

  2. 600 animals! Wow...that's a lot. This does sound like a fun read. :)

  3. Oh, I've heard that a good one, glad you enjoyed it.

  4. This sounds like a lovely, positive read that would bring a smile to the reader's face.

  5. I liked this one very much, too. And I agree that having alternating chapters was an effective way to write this book.

    1. I agree Deb, I loved her whole family except for her father of course.

  6. I just realized this morning that I've read only one memoir so far this year where I normally read 10-15 of them every hear. I really love them...and I'll be looking for this one soon.

  7. A one of a kind memoir. Big hearted.

  8. This has been on my TBR for ages but I haven't read any reviews until now. It sounds like it has a lot more depth than I expected and it sounds like a wonderful read.

  9. I definitely am going to order this since my family loves animals and nature. We get our pets from the shelter and I love opportunities to see farm animals too. Thanks for highlighting this book.

    1. All our pets have been shelter pets as well. I hope you love this story.

  10. This does sound like a fun read. I like memoirs and memoirs featuring animals is a bonus!

  11. This sounds like a great audiobook!

    1. Such a good story and the way the chapters alternate from childhood to present works beautifully.

  12. Like you Diane, I am a big animal fan ... so this memoir appeals to me. The older I get, the more animals I want to surround myself with. So far it's just 2 dogs. ha.

    1. Susan, I hope you read or listen to this memoir. You will love it (almost positive). All my life animals have provided love and comfort; they expect so little and give us so much. I took a year off when I decided to change careers and volunteered at an animal shelter, loved my time there --- adopted about (10) shelter pets over the years as well.

  13. My daughter read this and loved it! She started following the person on igram.

    1. I also follow her Nan. You would enjoy this as well I think.


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