Tuesday, March 1, 2022

First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros - Very Cold People; Sarah Manguso

Welcome to First Chapter/Intros, hosted by Yvonne @ Socrates Book ReviewsEach week readers post the first paragraph (or 2) of a book we are reading or plan to read soon.

Very Cold People; Sarah Manguso
Hogarth - 2022


My parents didn't belong in Waitsfield, but they moved there anyway.  My mother answered the first knock at the door of the new house, expecting a casserole.  We'd painted the house Evening Fog, she told me, but the woman from across the street wanted to know why we'd painted it purple like Italians.  Some people wore their difference honestly, but my parents were liars, illegitimate Waitsfielders, their off-whiteness discovered only after the paint had dried.  By the time I was born, the house had faded to the color of dirty snow.

This is a relatively short debut novel which seems like it takes place in the 1980's. I already like the young narrator.

What do you think - read more or pass?


  1. This one has received good reviews .... so I think keep going and let us know!

    1. I'm enjoying the young narrator whose childhood seems less than ideal.

  2. I am now very curious! Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

  3. I already like the narrator, too! :)

    1. I do as well, we learn all about growing up female and as an only child in the early 1980s with not the best of parents.

  4. I'd keep reading. The excerpts sounds intriguing.

  5. Oh that's great Vicki, I am enjoying this story.


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