Tuesday, March 15, 2022

First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros - The Other Dr. Gilmer: Two Men, A Murder and an Unlikely Fight for Justice; Benjamin Gilmer


Welcome to First Chapter/Intros, hosted by Yvonne @ Socrates Book ReviewsEach week readers post the first paragraph (or 2) of a book we are reading or plan to read soon.

Ballantine Books and Penguin Random House Audio - 2022

Good Hope Road

One June 28, 2004, in rural Appalachia, a man with my name and my profession strangled his father in the passenger seat of his Toyota Tacoma.

The other Dr. Gilmer was a family medicine physician in North Carolina, at a small clinic he'd founded with his wife near the tiny town of Fletcher.  He was recently divorced, living alone in a house on the hill above his office.  In the weeks and months before that night, he'd been drinking more than usual, going out to bars during the week. He'd also been making some impulsive decisions---like buying the brand new truck he was driving that night, even though he was massively in debt.

What do you think - read more or pass?  I just started this one and am finding it quite fascinating.


  1. It's a good beginning. It pulls you in and makes you want to read further.

    1. It was one of those impossible to put down books. I fimished it already. Sad situation for sure.

  2. Since this is both nonfiction and a mental health issue, I'd keep reading. I found this and it certain caught my interest.

    1. I forgot to add re: link - yes that is shared in the book. Thank goodness but, still sad.

  3. I'm hooked! I'd read more. :)

    1. I think you would like it (can't say enjoy given the subject matter).

  4. Sounds really good, I'd sure read more!

  5. Replies
    1. Can you imagine - having the same name in the same small town as the killer?

  6. That's a great beginning. I'm hooked already!


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