Sunday, March 20, 2022

Weekly Update - Lot's of Reading


Well our snow of last week is all gone and spring seems just around the corner. The first St. Patrick's Day Parade in (2) years in a nearby town is happening today since COVID numbers are way down. It will be happy to open the windows soon and our cats will be thrilled as well. 

March was been a month where I have focused on books - all kinds: thrillers, short story, NF and kids books as well. I've read (14) books already but still need to catch up on quite a few reviews.  I've been trying to keep my mind off my upcoming surgery which I've known about for 5 weeks now but, it all still feels kind of surreal.  I've been catching up with coffee dates and lunches with friends the past (2) weeks which has been nice.  My husband is trying to be upbeat and, although he means well and is trying to be positive his comments are not always helpful - although I do enjoy his company on our outdoor walks:)  Feeling extra grateful for my (2) wonderful adult children today.

Here's some books I've finished and really enjoyed. I hope to catch up on all the reviews over the next few days.

Review Coming Soon

Recitatif; Toni Morrison
( a short story)
4.5/5 stars
4.5/5 stars

The Book of Cold Cases; Simone St. James
4.5/5 stars

5/5 stars

(book group read)
4/5 stars

How was your week? Did you read any books that you absolutely loved?


  1. Do you know when the surgery is scheduled for yet? I can imagine my husband being just the same as yours.

    I'm so pleased you've been able to immerse yourself in some good books. The Book of Cold Cases is one I'm hearing about quite a lot.

    You take care.

    1. Cath, Surgery is on Thursday - yes, some men just don't know when "silence is golden" might be best. LOL

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Good luck with your surgery and hope you don't worry too much. A good book helps to pass the time!

    2. Thanks Harvee, hope I can continue to read or listen and be able to focus if, not there is always TV.

  3. Our weather is still a bit fickle with some sunshine and some rain, but our temps remain in the upper 40s. We head to Nashville in a couple of weeks and I'm looking forward to temps in the 70s!

    Wow, you've had a good month of reading. Lots of high rated books. I've only finished two books, but I should be wrapping up two more in the next day or so. Both of the books I've read this month were exceptionally good, but my favorite is Setting Free the Kites (reviewed here). LOVED it!

    I will keep you in my thoughts in the coming days and hope that all goes well with your surgery. xoxo

    1. Thanks Les! I hope you have beautiful weather in Nashville - any special plans?

    2. Diane, we're visiting our daughter and SIL. First time to see them since Sept. 2019 (at their wedding)!!

  4. I understand completely how your husband's comments about your surgery could be less than helpful! How do men function without us?! I will be sending good thoughts and prayers your way for the surgery.

    You've read fifteen books this month and I think I have finished (barely) two. I've been visiting family and taking care of grandchildren...that's my excuse. I do hope to get a few more books in this month.

    I really enjoyed Funny Farm, too!

    1. Thank you Deb; I appreciate that. My husband has a tough guy exterior but, a complete softie deep down (at least to those who are important to him.) Any health issues - his or mine he just does not handle well.

      I hope you are enjoying time with family and little ones - the little ones are so fun but, tiring too.

  5. If you like historical fiction with humor I LOVED Jen Turano's Flights of Fancy, I finished it this week. Good luck with the surgery and recovery!

    1. Thanks Cindy!. I don't read a lot of historical fiction but, I will take a look at your recommendation.

  6. Good luck with the surgery. You'll be in my thoughts. Sending positive energy your way.

    I haven't read any of the books you mention, but I have read 28 so far in 2022 and will finish another tonight. I'm way ahead on my goal of 100 for the year.

    1. Thanks Dorothy, I appreciate the positive vibes. You are really do well with your 2022 goal. Lets hope we all have more winners down the road.

  7. Those look interesting. I'd probably like The Book of Cold Cases.

  8. Good luck with your surgery. I hope you'll be able to read to keep your mind off it, but I know from experience that's easier said than done. My best wishes and thoughts to you.

  9. It's so nice to be able to open the windows again. Last week was our Spring Break, and for once the weather was lovely (for the most part). Unfortunately we had high pollen to deal with too. Wishing you a very speedy recovery from your surgery. You'll be in my thoughts on Thursday!

    1. Thanks Diana, surgery went well and recovery has been easier than anticipated.

  10. I've been thinking about you and your surgery. I hope it all goes well. It will feel good to have it done and over with! Know many of us are thinking about you out here in blogland.

  11. I hope your surgery goes well! I'm not great about anything involving doctors so I can imagine your husband's comments can be not what you're looking for at times! Funny Farm is on my TBR. It looks wonderful and I'm glad to see you enjoyed it. I will keep you in my thoughts and am sending out lots of calming thoughts.

  12. When is your surgery? I hope it goes well Diane. I'm not sure what it is ... but I'm optimistic you will rebound well. I will be thinking of you.

    1. Thank you, I appreciate that. Surgery went well and recovery has been easier than anticipated.


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